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RE: Bad drawings and conclusions

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

I think it was pretty much the same for us, but as for my son... hmmmmm hahaha!!!! Just kidding... as far as kids these days go, he's pretty damn good! Makes his own bed every SINGLE morning without being asked, his room is ALWAYS tidy and his toys organised (we are all very OCD here... can you tell lol), he washes his own dishes every night, but only because mom has the hot water run and ready - a sacrifice I am prepared to make if it means the boys under this roof wash their own damn dishes haha!!

Actually, that was a lesson from my mom... "always have a sink of hot soapy water and you will never have a dirty kitchen". I cook a LOT (as you most likely know...) and I loathe nothing more than a dirty kitchen.... so with boys in the house that life lesson has worked well for me haha!!

That is pretty cool to recognize I think and something that deserves exploration.

I agree! One thing I noticed with having a domestic was that I would "throw out" so much stuff! - most of which I would give to her... I can recall the often "amazed" look on her face that I would "throw that away" and would also often find her bagging the things that I didn't bother to give to her, which she found in our dustbin. Witnessing that gave me a lot of perspective... ESPECIALLY once she was gone. I am a lot less wasteful and a lot more contemplative about what can/could be done with certain things....