The game that never dies : Counter Strike Global Offensive

in OCD4 years ago


The legend of counter strike started in 1999 when two misfits Minh "Gooseman" Le and Jess "Cliffe" Cliffe started to develop a half life mod which was later acquired by valve and became known as counter strike which we came to love.

First counter strike game was called counter strike 1.6 which was huge world wide.Then Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, was released in March 2004. A previous version of Condition Zero that was developed alongside Counter-Strike: Condition Zero was released as Condition Zero: Deleted Scenes. Eight months later, Valve released Counter-Strike: Source, a remake of the original Counter-Strike and the first in the series to run on Valve's newly created Source engine.The fourth game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive,was released by Valve in 2012 for Windows,OS X, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3.

Counter strike is a multiplayer FPS(first person shooter) game where teams to terrorist and counter terrorist battle where each team have to fulfill there objective depending on game mode such as:

  • For terrorist planting bomb, guarding hostages and for counter terrorist defusing bomb, rescuing hostage.

The game has a economy system in which players are rewarded in-game currency based on there individual and team performance and in-game money is used to upgrade or buy new weapons.

Counter strike has a huge influence in the world.It has a large competitive community and has become synonymous with first person shooters.The Counter-Strike franchise has sold over 25 million units.As the game aged many people thought that the game will die but to every one surprise counter strike became valve biggest game by setting record on highest concurrent player count of 1,301,348 on April,2020 beating Dota 2.


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