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RE: My Introductory Post: The Start of Something New

in OCD2 years ago

Hello there. We have a common ground, books. Nice to meet you and hope to see you around. Welcome to Hive and uh, Ruby is my birthstone.🤭


Hey, my fellow book lover! It's nice to meet someone here with the same interest as you. Anyway, I'm glad to know that my name is your birth stone. Mine is Garnet, not Ruby actually, but it still have red hue. ☺️

May I ask what types of books do you read? Like the genre you prefer, the settings?

I'm more into sci-fi, fantasy and historical genres, but I'm also reading self-help books for motivation to grow. How 'bout you po?

I'm into Canadian Prairie, Frontier stories of Janette Oke and also writers like L.M Montgomery,Burnett, Lewis, Riggs, Dahl. 🤭 It's more on character development fictions.

Oh! I'll add that up to my pending books to read. I think, those were must read. I'm currently reading English-American lit and Philippine Lit (including Mythology and Folklore) as part of my course in college though it became my one of my faves too, but it's also nice to read other types of literary pieces.