Now THAT was an interesting side jaunt from reality Daniel, I am quite sure I wouldn't want to live on Vek, maybe visit with a stout umbrella. Interesting filters on the images too. Do I see "Deep Dream" generator influences, at least in some of them?

Hahaha, thanks Jerry. I like how you put that — a "side jaunt." Vek is a pretty nice place, but it depends where you are: and who you ask.
The images were indeed all processed with Deep Dream :-) I have a huge backlog of them that I never do anything with, so I started getting into the habit recently of downloading a bunch of them and doing some creative writing to accompany them so I can share here on HIVE.
Always appreciate your input and support! Hope your new year is off to a good start my friend.
downloading a bunch of them and doing some creative writing to accompany them
That is kinda how I began writing. I would find a quote by some known author, usually something inspirational.
Then I would try to find an image that went with it, to illustrate or embellish the quote.
Then sometimes, the image I found inspired me to look for a different quote.
Then, I began running out of quotes or poems by others to express what I was feeling, and VOILÀ I started writing original works!
Great stuff Daniel.