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RE: My rant over people´s support of animal abuse in tourism industry

in OCD5 years ago

Something people never want to acknowledge, perhaps being in lockdown now they might start understanding the plight of animals being confined to small places, not living in their country, climate being gawked at daily.

Animals like the Elephant cannot take the weight of humans without spinal damagee. Recently a local dolphin died everyone was sending condolences, poor girl lived in captivity her whole life and never new what it was like to swim in the ocean.

Yes time is right to set them free, only place them into specialized areas to save species from disappearing completely in regions they normally live, not for public viewing!

@tipu curate


Thank you so much for this great feedback. I can only agree with everything you just wrote. And good point that many people probably just don´t want to see the dreadful reality behind these attractions... This ignorance must come to an end.