Cool buddy, at this stage the laws of the jungle are shifting, and the law of the jungle is what may prevail, as opposed to the law of the slave masters. We could be at a tipping point. World revolution and upheaval is more likely now than ever before on the past 75 years since WW2.
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Yep and I think that we are more disjointed and polarized, less experienced and increasingly filled with emotional reaction than at any time in history - it is a tinderbox.
Good point, none of us have any recollection of a world war. Life has been stable for the first world generally since then on a political front and the economy went through predictable boom and bust cycles, but this is a major black swan event, for which none of us has any experience.
But we have seen lots of movies, so we must know what it is all like.
Many people are finding they are stronger than they thought, many more are discovering the opposite.