I've got an SEO background, and I was working on an ultimate guide for Steemit users when the HF happened. It's still an unfinished project, but it's so hard to put in as simple of a way as possible.
We don't have access to a YOAST SEO plugin within out editors, but YOAST principles can be applied. It would be easy for me to explain what needs to be implemented to users, but because we don't have an SEO plugin, there is no way to check how good your SEO is on a post before you release it.
I take that back, there are no convenient tools for that. You'd basically have to take the text from your Hive post and drop it into various online tools to test it. Me personally, I've gotten so used to SEO, I can pretty much draw up a post without checking if my keyword density is too much or too little, etc.
Also, SEO standards change week to week, so by the time I can make a guide, things have already changed. One of the most recent implementations I've noticed in YOAST is that your "keyword(s) set is best placed not only in your title like it always has been, but is now preferred as the first words of the post title.
I haven't abandoned this project altogether, it's more of a challenge to work up incentives to make users implement SEO in their posts. I've been discussing with @riverflows from NM.io about doing some bounty SEO contests, where I find a new highly searched but low competitions keyword set that users all post about during a weeklong rush with the winner receiving additional LOTUS rewards.
I would imagine the winner be whatever user's post is the highest ranking in google search results after a month or so. I'm still working on it but haven't given up. It is bizarre to see that when I type "hive blockchain logo" in google images, one of the results on the first page is my hive intro photo.
This is only because I took the time to write 
or something similar in the brackets of my photo upload. It's amazing how few tribe owners even do that. I've searched for a lot of logos on google images only to find the one I uploaded myself ranking higher than the one uploaded by the logo creator.
Good job on the logo ranking!
This sounds awesome, I was thinking about putting a contest out myself which involved trying to get a good ranking on Google for a particular search. Let me know if you plan to get this one going.
Sure thing, I think the blockchain is now settled enough to get back on this project. That will be my mission from tomorrow morning on. I have been putting it off for far too long. Certainly SEO-ification has to be rewarded with a carrot.