Picture credit : Andrew Kerr Photography
As I sit with the smell of shit and piss in my nostrils, I shudder to think that there are affluent optimists who will have you believe all is well.
#A quick glance
Anyone visiting for a short enough period of time will be enamored by the beauty of the country. As a whole the country has great potential, but has no hope of reaching it.
#The loadshedding
Loadshedding itself is an implementation due to more expenditure than income. The municipalities would have you believe it is due to non payment but I would like to place my theory on the table.
Could it be that the millions of illegally connected shacks are overtaxing the grid. These are unplanned for connections and so place excessive demand on a grid built for sustaining the legal connections. Cessation of these illegal connections will never be done because the ruling party would lose votes. Due to the loadshedding Eskom's equipment is starting to fail and so as with today out 2 hr loadshedding became 4hr load shedding.
Government makes a killing off of fuel tax for every liter that goes into your generator. Another killing on all the data that has to be purchased by wifi users. Another killing on take aways because people don't have time to cook
#The Watershedding
While entering our second week with no water, because of an electrical issue to do with a pumping station, there is a fact that glares at me. With all the water sales, the government must be making a killing in VAT (which in my youth was purported to be locked at 14%). A lady from Standerton told me that they have permanent water interruptions.
The government doesn't care that we have to leave urine and excrement in unflushable toilets. They don't care that the average salary earner of R25,304.00 as reported by wearedevelopers.com is not able to get a tank to assist with water. I am sure they also love the idea that the air pressure inside the pipes drive the meters so that we pay for the movement of air through our pipes while the pipes pressurize.
#The Realization
My family ran away from the tyranny of Robert Mugabe, who died a very rich man. My uncle and aunt stayed and slowly watched the country suffer until Mugabe finally died. Although no country is perfect, South Africa is the Titanic and we are about at the part where she tears in two. I am sure the optimists will eventually lay their bodies down in a waterless grave. Unlike the optimists on the Titanic who now decay in a deep watery grave.
#The Conclusion
In the sea faring years, the sailors would watch the rats because they were the first to know the ship was sinking... We haven't been watching... the rats have all gone already. The Titanic will drag the rest of us down with her.
Sad realization is the people don't fully understand voting system. Boycott vote in regions because of the problems, rather than vote ANC out, let someone else try turn the country around.
Educate people to speak up, take back what is rightfully theirs using democracy correctly.
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