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RE: G-dog's weekend-engagement week eight: Who were you? [Win hive for your comment]

in OCD5 years ago

You must be valedictorian of Evelyn Wood Speed Reading college to comment so quickly with each arc of each saga conveniently linked for my readers. One day, I will put into together in a coffee table book, maybe with popups between chapters.

The Count himself was often late for dinner, sometimes skipping it all together. All that snacking between meals.


You must be valedictorian of Evelyn Wood Speed Reading college to comment so quickly with each arc of each saga conveniently linked for my readers.

I didn't click the links.

It gets to be quite the long running saga and getting longer.
Move over 'War & Peace'.

Yes, I can imagine it would be quite broad in scope.

Vampires tend to have a very long 'life' spans and makes for an ideal premise to see the world evolve in their eyes.