I think that these lessons have been learned only through my personal failures and successes but mainly from the failures. I found that The more things you take on in your life the more your try to push yourself the faster you'll fail and the more you'll will learn. I've come with a pretty big realization recently and I want to share with you all.. because I feel it may help one or more of you move forward from wherever you're at right now..
There is a ton of information and knowledge and strategy and tips whatever word you intend using on how to be successful, it's a lot of info out there and I think that this is an amazing thing but I think if you're not careful it can be the downfall of you before you even begin to rise. So let me explain why it can be dangerous, the first is similarities because if you are similar to me and you lacked a role model to follow when you're just beginning it can be very easy to blindly follow somebody without doing any research or even going ahead to understand if what they say truly make sense. This can be developed sometimes after you've gone through some experiences yourself but when you start with a bright mind this is what traps you...
The second reason is that a lot of these strategies out there especially for people who are just getting started, the main thing they focus on is the step by step and the day to day task that need to get it done in creating some thing and lastly how are these things focused on self and personal habits and how has this year led you to build your self either through writing or doing anything else..
The best thing I have leaned so far is that, The focus needs to be in building a good path and that is sure but you also need to devote equal energy to become the best version of yourself.. without daily and healthy state of mind it's hard to create something unique for yourself. Even as you try to do that you've got to develop creative thinking and move past the level you are presently in... for every writer who has developed on this platform has had their success story and the right decisions that led to this...
Take note of where you are presently, "do you like being there?" How can I make my standards change and how do I become my best self that makes an impact in my business or every other thing I do... Firstly accept your position, then move beyond it.. you'd notice that you become more open to new and brighter options..
Consistent daily focus towards improvement and not just staying right day and not making good use of your time.. So many people who have succeeded right now never knew those ideas could make waves like it did, like you will see YouTubers blowing up tech stuffs and getting much followers to see their content... that should tell you the amount of risk put into it.. Every single try to improve as well as understand how you would be able to improve too.
Motivate yourself when you are solidly behind, that will help you break walls that surrounds you... Don't take these things for granted as it Will help you plan more and be more efficient in 2022 and beyond...
These are the two points that will give you a growth mindset, towards becoming successful... and even as you do that, maintain your health and don't initiate plans that will cost your life. It will take a slow motion but you'd win the race soon.
Thank you for reading, I hope this will make an impact and you'd see things differently... you're doing better still work more and out more efforts... for your information even the best craftsman still works hard as well, people in the same line of business making it still put much efforts regardless of position.. So if you want to be above follow precepts and guides... Love you all.
[Image source] (https://pixabay.com/photos/slide-ruler-logarithm-5173874/)
Great to hear from you and look forward to reading your thoughts by the end of 2022 as well :) Hope you will have a very successful year!
It's going to be an amazing year to look out for and many things are going to be at place for a successful one... thank you so much.. I look forward to doing that as well..
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Thank you so much... I will make sure I stop by, I'm happy for the invitation.