The world is Polygamous

in OCDlast year

I got tired of hearing the word men are polygamous in nature and I stepped out to make research on it. You will be surprised with the answers I got, I’ll start with explaining from men’s part and also the women’s view so you all will agree with me on it that the world is polygamous in nature.

   In the world today you all will agree with me that with the current population of 7.888billion. men are over (4billion) in population and woman are over (3.888billion) in Population, then why should we keep saying woman are over populated, in a normal sense it’s normal to say men are over populated and it’s not a reason to be polygamous since we have a larger number in representation. 

You will permit me to take these to religious approach. in the Bible the Old Testament permits men being polygamous in nature, we have king David a man after Gods own heart,


Wise king Solomon the man who found favor in the sight of God. these where great prophets in the Bible and they had many wife’s which was not a problem and it was passed down to their children and many generations. But it was not accepted in the New Testament. Let’s look at the Islamic religion.


Prophet Mohammed had many wives and it was also passed down to many generations. so when we look at it from some point of view we will understand it was just the normal arrangement, but that doesn’t mean its the right thing any man should get involved in. And remember it’s always gonna be a thing of choice.

so when we generalize it that men are polygamous In nature, then you must agree with me that it’s was passed down to us from our forefathers. And it’s seems right to those who still follow in that trend.

But the part where people say men are polygamous in nature it’s very wrong because a very few of them followed it down because it was accepted by the society, And for the men that just don’t know what they want, they just want to have everything that belongs under the skirt that’s there polygamous nature displaying, it’s not just because they are men but the fact is that “THE WORLD IS POLYGAMOUS IN NATURE”

I don’t want to mention names of countries that there women are begging the government to permit men marrying more than one wives and even in the Bible it was stated in either isiah or so i was stated that at some point women will beg to bear the name of a man so I think it’s just understandable from the part of men

Now let’s look at the part of women that are polygamous in nature sometimes they say “they do it because of money or the man isn’t good enough in bed or even because they had a very bad experience at an early stage of their life. That could be their reasons. In a normal sense are these reason not enough to pinpoint it as they are just too into it no excuses. And accepting it that we all have it around us. I guess most of us haven’t really checked to see if truly we possess it, you will all agree with me that when a lady is in a relationship and she really loves her partner but too some extent the partner is failing in some aspects and she finds someone who is literally doing these things with ease, and not asking for anything in return. they start feeling attached to the the person and there attitude towards their current partner starts changing.

If it works out and the person stops they are ready to keep jumping till they feel comfortable I think that just the way they see things and make them blinded by the fact that they’re displaying there polygamous tendencies.

I think we all agree that even with the fact that men has the tendencies to be polygamous and nothing is gonna happen or stop them so many of them still choose to be sincere to their partner, And it’s something some say to them selves “I AM CONTENTED WITH WHAT I HAVE”.

And also some women too are as loyal as dogs to there owners and they don’t cheat. So we all can choose to be polygamous or not because we all have the tendency to obtain anything we choose