Dear All
Abu Hurairah said that, "The heart is king. While the limbs are soldiers. If the heart is good, the soldier will be fine. Conversely, if the king is rotten, then the soldier will rot too." Because the heart is king, then be smart to keep the heart clean so that all other body parts remain free from disease and despicable acts. As someone who also does not want to get bad treatment from others, be smart to guard the hearts of others.
The heart never lies. That sentence reminds us of the advertising slogan of food products. However, this time we are not talking about any product. Say, that sentence has a point. Whose name can never lie.
The heart is a gathering place for taste. The source of all reactions begins. It is undeniable that the heart greatly influences human actions, even though logic has a lot to play in it. A person can be very reactive when his heart has been disturbed. Feeling unappreciated, offended, disappointed, feeling humiliated and even patronized by people who have trusted. Conversely, people will be willing to do anything if their hearts have been bought. He will always provide the best for those who have made him feel comfortable and valued.
Aceh, 07 June 2020Regards, @ledies
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