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RE: Become a Hiver - no more excuses.

in OCD3 years ago

Welcome, a piece of advice, sometimes you won't receive rewards, but don't give up, keep sharing your posts, your images are very good, with a little luck you will buy the ticket to Venezuela and I will welcome you at my house so I can go on a backpacking trip. Success.
Spanish:Bienvenida, un consejo, algunas veces no recibirás recompensas, pero no te des por vencida, continua compartiendo tus post, tus imágenes son muy buenas, con un poco de suerte compras el pasaje para Venezuela y te recibo en mi casa así me animo a un viaje mochilera. Éxito.


That's nice to hear! Your country is beautiful as well! Love to visit South America some time 😁