I'm so sorry to hear about your mum passing away so suddenly, hopefully you can find solace in the fact she passed away peacefully in her sleep and suffered no pain. Sometimes we do things with all the best intentions, like you wanted to give your family a nice surprise when you finalise your return, but sadly some things just never go according to plan and this must be one of them. At least now are you home near to the family and 'physically' close to your mum.
Not that we would want to write any memorial posts (we don't want people to die!!!) but for those special people we have lost in our lives, you can drop the memorial posts in the Hive Memorial Forest Community in future. https://peakd.com/c/hive-152367/created
Yes, this is something that we all hear over and over, that we just never know when the last time will be the last time, or that things don't always go to plan, but I feel like a lot of us just don't get it until we experience it first hand.
Thank you for the heads up re: Hive Memorial Forest. I'll be sure to share there if/when I feel like sharing more on the subject.
Thanks for your thoughtful reply.