Yeah, i pretty much agree. I read through it because of the votes and the comment number but it hardly deserves it imo.
The whole post could be summed up in less then a tweet and it wouldnt even need an explanation.
"Your inconvenience doesnt trump public safety."
There. Theres the post.
I mean, I didn't put the votes there, the voters did. But you obviously know there's more than that.
You can just as easily summarize Homer's Odyssey. 'Some guy struggles after the trojan war with monsters and stuff, comes back and saves the day'
Not many people outside of the US - or inside - have much of a clue about the Bill of Rights, and people often take it for granted that it's some prized treasure never to be questioned. I'm elaborating on this in the post, highlighting the flawed idealism.
The post is also more about the illusion of freedom than it is about the mask wearing itself, which is, in and of itself, a valuable discussion on a political, philosophical, socioeconomic, and other, levels.
Just because you can't see anything to talk about doesn't make it worthless. Like, I can see fuck all to think beyond 3-4 seconds about American football or soccer. Thus, the sports are worth less than a tweet?
Lol. Not really. Every obstacle he faces has a message of its own. Did you just compare a 500 word HIVE post to Homers Oddyssey? 😀
Do you sum up "life" like that as well?
Sum up the life of Isaac Newton.
Look, i have no problems with what ever you want to discuss or you feel youre discussing here. I just find it a bit drab and lacking in substance for a 100$ post on the trending page. Not enough for me to downvote it but just enough for me to state it. :)
On the other hand those characteristics did attract even myself to comment on it thus creating engagement which does have value.
I mean, I know you know I was comparing in a sense of length being reduced, not comparing quality though personally, I consider this post vastly superior and deeper in every way; I just don't like to publicly announce such truths (insert ;) in case you don't know I'm kidding)
Well, you answer the potential discussion yourself. Influencers worldwide are millionaires by taking selfies of their boobs at various angles. It serves an audience, that audience likes to pay for it.
Fact is, this was briefly one of the most active post I could find on hive so that has to be worth something - and people aren't 'paying' in the way we think about paying, so it's harder to compare 'value' I know you know all this anyway.
I'm not denying that it ain't the highest quality thing ever: I'm actually more frustrated than I am pleased because my previous posts took hours to listen, transcribe/notate, rehearse, perform, record, edit, some parts taking 50, 60 takes and was physically agonizing, and I get, what, 10, 25 bucks? Some of the historical ones I spend hours researching and hold with pride got like 0 comments and under $2.
So sure, I get it. But this is what people relate to far more, I suppose.
Also, I care very little about downvotes on the worst of days so have at it if you feel that way, that's what it's there for