warren buffet say's get greedy when other's are fearful and believe me people are in extreme fear. I have studied the market for years and yes this is a excellent time , we've just experienced the longest expansion in history!! people seem to under estimate that and that's a big problem, it was only a matter of time before we had a major correction well it's here now.
Corona virus is not a good thing however the economy was on it's way down anyway this was just the pin that popped the balloon it's as simple as that. All of this money printing is getting out of hand and the government know it's going to create hyperinflation. I believe we will have a new digital dollar once paper backed fiat currency hits it's true value (zero).
This is a time when millionaire's are made this a time to look at what business you can start to help this economy to help regenerate this mess and also profit from it. The best time to start a business is after a recession ask any major in the game. Assets will become cheap people need work change can be made it's better start when the economy is down rather than when it is up that's a fact.
Well, you have a point. At the end, only the brave take action.
exactly we just have to wait and see the strong will survive