Hive .. Cutting edge ? Or just another a semi detached in the suburbs? A Tuesday's meandering...

in OCD5 years ago

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In this DPOS, inflated currency, redistribution model, where do people place their upvotes?

Where they see value ?

The weakness of 'the middle class mindset', and how, ultimately, it could be the downfall of hive.

Let me drill down, dissect , and cause an explosion or two...

As @v4vapid said yesterday in acidyo's post "if you're not challenging narratives, propaganda and the accuracy of information, then you're not doing your job as a journalist".

Which brings me to 'the middle class mindset' - yet again.
The MCM...
Conformity to the status quo, and a natural affinity to supporting official narratives, whatever the may be at the time (plus a lack of ethical conviction).

** please note, as I've said previously - the middle class are the backbone of a stable society.

'The middle class mindsetters', however, is very different - it is the apathy that decadence brings.
It's a lazy mindset, and 'non thinking' mindset.
To be of a thinking mindset,would automatically, result in being cast out of that very group..
The approval of the peer group - the MCM'ers 'value of one's self', barometer, is paramount.
A peer groups approval would simply disappear with any independent thought..

The middle class mindset has nothing to do with economic status, and everything to do with appearances -- no matter where you lie in the social hierarchy of things.

So, on the assumption ( a fairly logical assumption) that people put there votes where they see value .....It's fairly simple on the block chain, to see where people's value's lie.

This mindset – of both himself and those that supported the viewpoint – is, in my opinion, reflective of where people stand in Hive.
(at the time of writing - 648 votes and around $50 value).On @acidyo's post, yesterday, I saw the massive upvotes he received for a 'tow the line', 'believe the establishment' narrative.

on a personal note, when I left a government generated statistic on his post to disprove the assertions of the post - he down voted the comment.. Paradoxical, uh?
His narrative - and the appearance of being correct - were more important than actual facts. (the middle class mindset, in action)

Here is a screen shot of the biggest upvoters.
This shows you where these upvoters put their values. (using the definition of upvotes going to where you see value).
The amount of upvotes show the approval of this post after all.
Don't they?
100% upvotes surely signifies the approval of the message in the post.
Don't they?

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That's fine if you are an authoritarian believing, 'tow the line', conformist.

I have no truck with people choosing to upvote on what they see value in.

But HOW, for fucks sake, does this tie in with 'the crypto currency revolution' mindset?

Maybe hive isn't so revolutionary after all.

Maybe Hive is full of 'the middle class mindsetters'.

'the middle class mindset' is old fashioned.

It's a perspective that firmly belongs in the last century.

Those decadent times of egocentric 'lifestyle' self indulgences have gone.
It's one that the MCM'ers are desperately trying to hang onto, hopiuming that it will return someday.
It won't.
Those times are finished.

The MCM'ers are in for a very tough time, psychologically speaking, over this next decade or so.
Faux reality will be replaced with hard reality.

Hence my assertion:

That a platform where the MCM'ers values are in the majority, the death knell of the platform will be heard shortly after.

The new paradigm is not conformity to the old guards - establishments - narrative.

For Hive to be successful as a platform, it would require the MCM'ers to change their perspectives.
The MCM'ers will shift opinions in two seconds flat - if they feel that the new position is the consensus in their peer group.
Expediency is all to the MCM'er. (hive token price).

The middle class mindset is based in the past.

It's over.
The party has moved on.

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For Hive's sake, I hope that the users values on Hive, move on as well. (but I doubt it somehow...for now, anyways).

New generations... will they see it like a 'facebook' of crypto - with 6000 followers though, not 6 billion.
(Are they seeing it like that already? Does this go some way to explain the lack of growth in four years? A stronghold of the 'middle class mindsetters'?...I dunno in all honesty).

How do observers see the direction of hive ?

Cutting edge?
Thinkers outside of the establishment box?
A new paradigm?

Hardly, to any of the above.
Not while big accounts support the establishments drivel, and lies.

(On the assumption that it's not a shoehorn into a totalitarian one world government, and total control)

Isn't adopting a 'new paradigm mindset', the optimum one for hive's success?
You can't have that, and a significant proportion of big accounts, towing the line for old narratives.
Old narratives including collectivism, leftism, and all the other 100 year old, economic and social experiment, failures.

Be careful who you support, the block chain does not forget, and for those who choose the wrong side ?

History will not be kind.
The future will be much harder for those that do not choose the right side.

You pays yer money, and you place yer bets...

My money is not on hive right now - not in it's current form.
'.....blasphemer, blasphemer, how dare I..???'

It can be a lonely place, thinking for yourself - outside of the box... but fucking hell, the air tastes soooooo much sweeter out here..
Go away, now...



Well fuck that , they invaded Hive to now .... :-/

It was a very revealing post wasn't it? - A glimpse behind the curtain at a bunch of desperate manipulators giving each other a nice circle jerk...

Being naked is good for the soul....

70 years of practice leads to very strong wrists but lots of stains on the carpet...


As I mentioned in a comment there I was on purpose not voting up comments in that post which I usually do to see the natural votes from other users voting up comments. Seeing ctime who's already proven he has something personal against me vote up a comment calling me a communist because I think people should not just blindly listen to journalists tell them not to wear masks triggered me a bit. So I decided to counter his votes that seemed to just want to annoy me, hadn't even noticed he downvoted the post at that point, but when I did I countered that with a self-vote and all my other active posts once he realized I had downvoted his comment votes.

Anyway, this was a long post so not going to read all of it tonight nor will I probably read it tomorrow either but just thought I'd clear that up.

I am sorry for your curve.

I am sorry for your curve.

Don't be sorry for my curves, matey - they're in excellent condition. lol.
And I appreciate the upvote.

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