I 'think' that with the advent of the internet (not social media), information and knowledge is now at everyone's fingertips, and this leads to a more informed 'taking a position'.
Taking a position necessitates conflict with other people who are also'taking a position'.
This is nothing new, but the scope has widened to cover all subjects, not just 'points'.
(i.e _more things to find contention with).
Without getting spiritual and happy clappy, I see a polarization of types.
Those who support authority, and status quo, and those that don't.
(even here, I see many supposedly 'freethinkers' who are completely pro authoritarian, and they don't even see it in themselves. Talk about cognitive dissonance. lol).
Walking away from a position that you hold dear to your own values is not 'the big thing' to do.
NOT standing up for what you believe is being small, and offers no value to the world.
Decadence (esp in the western hemisphere) has made for soft people. Soft people are the blip in society, not the norm.
We have become so pampered, values have taken a back seat, but with hardship, the luxury of 'being soft' disappears.
This will be a very hard decade (or three) for those having to psychologically readjust back to a more sane reality.
Imagine having to spend time growing food instead of playing video games!
Oh, the fucking horror! lol
Fuck, this is the best comment I've read in a while.
On-point, my man. 👌🙌
Cheers....this is my 'Yoda' phase of the day...it only goes down hill from here on in..!