It is good to hear from you too @roleerob! And it is better to know that you are doing well in spite of the pandemic.
Economically, I think we are hit real hard. I saw news about our government borrowing tons of money for the pandemic. I can not fathom what is going on. Or, maybe my mind refuses to accept what is going on. So many questions unanswered but what can I do? Wait and see like everyone else...
I did not check your wallet but apparently we did the same thing last Saturday (my time at least). I powered down at around 95% because the rest is delegated and a small amount is left to keep the wallet its purpose. I have been juggling on the question about stating on Steen but I immediately made the decision to power down when I checked my wallet with zero earning in the last few days and my VP at 100%.
Steemauto has ceased operation on Steemit. I did not put my money in there just for socializing so not earning a single cent in days is too blunt to me. I learned steem-support will develop the same function of steemauto. Maybe that will help grow the small amount that I left in my wallet. It's another wait and see...
Yes, we are "in the same boat" @macoolette ...
... as well as many all over the world. While I cannot know, I do not believe this was pure coincidence. And, I assume like you 😉, "they" did not ask for my thoughts on what should be done. We are just expected to comply. With whatever is coming, as a result of this "unprecedented" response, to what man has faced from the beginning of time ...
My choice on leaving Steem is similar to yours, since I am "in here" first and foremost, as an investor. Long "over" the idea that there is (at least under all the different experiences I have had for my first 2 years ...) a very nice ROI on my efforts, at least I would like to pretend there is some ROI!? 😉
After the latest "volley" in the "war," I decided I had "seen" enough, when HF 23 appeared. Sad to me how much those who were once people I had some respect for have been willing to compromise their values, just to try to appease the ONE vote that matters on Steem ...
Well, that's enough out of me for now, my friend! About to head out into my garden, where there is still some semblance of peace. And, I can pretend I have a teeny, tiny bit of influence over what is happening ...
P.S. On the ROI question, you may wish to look at requesting your UpVoteShares to be refunded on STEEM. I did ...
I would say my ROI will be the airdrop from Hive. 😊 My Steem wallet value is just about the same as what I spent to buy Steem and that already includes my earnings in two years. Maybe my shares of upvoteshares will be the Steem ROI because those were not included in my computation. I thought of keeping the shares active so that I would have at least one vote when I cross-post and not have my post look pitiful on Steemit. 😄
Yes, of course that is up to you @macoolette.
I would just encourage you to take care in this, as there are a (seemingly) growing number of "vigilantes" roaming around both blockchains "administering purity" tests, as to which "side" you are on. As part of that, those found to be posting on both are being penalized, once uncovered ...
One of the reasons I am "down" and "out," although I will likely maintain somewhere around a minnow stake, for resource credits to comment here and there and provide a "teeny weeny" bit of support ...
Not sure where else to write this comment, my friend. I "see" that you have chosen to power down here on the Hive blockchain? Are you leaving us @macoolette?
Not to invade your privacy or anything, but I was saddened to see that this might be happening. I hope this finds you and yours doing okay and this decision is not due to some crisis in your life.
For me, this emphasizes the limitation of these "virtual worlds." Someone can just "disappear" without us ever knowing what might have happened. While that can, of course, happen in "real life" I think we can both agree that is much, much less likely ...
Well, anyway, wanted to "stop by" and let you know I was both thinking of you and concerned about you.