Pre Birthday Post For Manlikestan

in OCD3 years ago



Hi friends, Happy new month to you all and welcome to the month of June.
I always get excited about this month, because it's my birthday month.
Yeah! 9th of June is my birthday.

I am getting prepared, writing A Birthday wishlist, planning trips and hitting up my birthday mates so we can all plan together.

Here's how far I have written on my Birthday Wishlist 16540504712444192809590109922188.jpg

  1. A chess set
  2. Basketball kits
  3. Books (Any Jewish book) I have new interest in the Jewish culture.
  4. A pair of Chelsea boots
  5. A Double breasted bespoke suit.
  6. A Car( For School) 😂

And I hope to get them all crossed out.

Here's something that is funny, I have six (6) friends that share the same birthday with me
Here's a list of
Toochukwu (Tooboy)
So, we would celebrate together this year and then visit the
Children home's to extend and share love with them, I have been texting a couple of my birthday mates so we can plan properly because "He who fails to plan, plans to fail".

Here's something very important I have to mention.
On my birthday i will be launching a business I have been planning.
FMŌ > For Men Only


An online men's store for clothings, accessories and wears, more information about it will be shared to you.
I read in a book that you should utilize your birthdays to do something important.
Here's me doing something important with my birthday.
A big thanks to all those who would join to celebrate me and wish me a happy birthday on my birthday.

Stay tuned and anticipate my birthday post.

I want to say a big thanks to @acidyo for the OCD community. Also @harryelpc a brother and friend, @brittandjosie, @jamerussell for guide here in hive and @tattoodjay the wandering kiwi.


Happy prebirthday @manlikestan, you got a lot of years ahead of you, make the best of it that you can!!!

Thanks alot. I sure will😊

Happy pre birthday my friend!

We can always wish ! It’s great to celebrate together so make it a big party on the ninth
Tag me on the blogs about the FMO , eventhough it’s FOR MEN ONLY
i don’t want to miss it.
And I want these Chelsea’s
