It's been a while since I've written a lovely post here. This post was inspired by a discussion I had with @monioluwa and @writermaximus the discussion was centered around heroes of the past, there we had a lot of discussion on what it means to be a true hero.
The discussion has inspired me to start a series looking back on the lives of our heroes. Observing their lifestyle, traits, and controversial stories about them and what we can learn and glimpse from them.
You can be a hero.
Many times we all loved and aspire to be like our favorite heroes, and there is a strong desire to want to copy their lifestyles and traits to be a perfect replica of them.
Who is a hero?
A hero for me is a person who in the face of danger or adversity rises above that situation to succeed and come on top. The person can also sacrifice himself or herself for the benefit of others to lead them from a bad situation.
Now let's take it down to our level. We all face adversities and challenges at one point or the other in our life. These situations can range from very simple ones to life-threatening situations that demand us to make sacrifices for either our good or the good of others. At this point when we overcome them takes us a step further to being a hero as these situations are similar to what others face.
In my upcoming posts, I'll be making reviews on heroes of the past their life history, what made them heroes, and controversial stories about their life.
Looking forward to this my man!🙌🏻🙌🏻
Can't wait😁