Game Over

in OCD3 years ago


You're a college student.
You're pretty, tall, and fit.
Or you could just erase that and it's up to you how'd you look.
After that, imagine you have a boyfriend.
He's handsome, heartthrob, rich. It's up to you again how would he look like or what he's traits are.

One day,
you had an early dismissal of your sociology class because your professor is absent. And it's your last one for the day so you decided to invite your boyfriend for a stroll or on a date.


"Babe, done with my class. Let's go for a date. G? Pick me up,"

you texted him.

And of course he agreed. He's eager to be with you after all. Your rendezvous is at the gate of the university. He fetched you with the red car that he always uses whenever he got a date with you.

As usual, you went in a mall, watched a movie, played on arcades, dine in a fancy resto, and stroll for a little bit in the department store until you felt the trembling on your knees from walking that made you suggest to call it a day and just go home. It's already 9 pm and you still got a long road to tend to because it's weekend and you have to go home to your town kilometers away from your university.


"Damn traffic. Let's try the road we went last, I think that's faster,"

he told you while you two drive home.

"Yeah, yeah,"

you wearily replied with a yawn. You couldn't care less because you're already worn out from your stroll earlier.

"Ok. Put your seatbelts on babe and you could just sleep there until we get home,"

he said, not knowing you already fell asleep before you could even hear him say those words.

It's about 30 to 45 minutes since you decided to take a nap but the screeching sound of the auto stopping woke you up. After yawning, scratching and opening your eyes, you found yourself in a secluded and dark road.

"Glad you finally wake up. I think we're lost. I must have taken the wrong route after the gas station,"

he rushly said.

"What? Are you serious? Then why haven't you turned back when you saw that we're in a lightless road?"

you replied.

"Huh? Isn't it the same with the road we're taking every time?"

he asked with an honest shock.

"No! Ours have street lights and road signs unlike this one. And also, why aren't we moving?"


"The machine suddenly stopped. It seems my gas didn't make it. I thought we'll be passing on another gas station that's why I didn't took a refill on the last one,"

he embarrassedly replied.

Now you're annoyed with your boyfriend, fed up with his stupidity. He felt that you're in a bad mood that's why he acted immediately.

"There are trucks that drove this way earlier. For sure there's a neighborhood on that point of the road,"

he said while grabbing his phone and the flashlight on your side. You stayed silent because you're still irate.

"I'll be taking my phone in any case there's a signal outside,"

he added.

You still stayed silent even until he closed and locked the car's door and walked towards the direction of the front light, slowly disappearing eaten by darkness until you can't see him anymore.


You looked at your watch and noticed that it's almost 11 pm, about an hour since he left. You felt more frustration by thinking all the unfortunate events that have happened.

Another 30 minutes have passed and your boyfriend is still in nowhere. You wanted to go out and follow him but you can't because you might also get lost as the worst case scenario. So you just peeked outside hoping to see something. But there's none. Even the moon and stars were hiding. It's like the only source of light on your surrounding is the one in your car. You also can't here anything except for your sighs because of how the car's closed.


You started to get scared.


It's just a hiss but you clearly heard it proving that it's near.


you anxiously answered, hoping that it's just your boyfriend messing up with you because he knows you're a little scaredy cat.

"B-babe, I-is that you?"

You're about to be annoyed but not until you heard a laugh from who you're talking to and realize it's not the voice of your boyfriend that's why instead of anger, you felt like you're about to gone mad because of the terrifying situation you're in.



You're frantically shocked because of what you saw. A filthy madman appeared outside the window, mouthed with flashlight and holding a rusty machete on his right hand and the head of your boyfriend on his left hand. Decapitated.

You shouted and shouted because of the horror it brought you. You couldn't bear what you saw so you just shut your eyes and continued to shout and curse the man outside. You don't know what to do. In panic, you didn't realize that you already lost control of your actions inside the car. And while you're in panic, the madman accompanied it with laughter that is almost choking because of the flashlight in his mouth.

"Fuck you! Get out of here! You crazy motherfucker! Fuuckk!! Ahhh!!"

you hysterically cursing the madman while in rage.

Your shouting and cursing didn't do anything to help you get out of the situation but instead just made the madman laugh louder and longer. He circled around the car while pounding the roof with the head of your boyfriend and scratching the sides with the machete on his right hand. The cycle of your shouting, his laughter, your cursing, and his pounding went for about a couple of minutes . You're already tired moving and just hoarsely shouting until you realized he wasn't around anymore.

You turned your eyes around on every corner it can see to confirm if he really left you.


He showed up again from below and made you gone mad for the second time. It was followed by louder shouting and cursing and laughing and pounding and laughing and scratching and shouting until he stopped in front of the car and stared at you. You also stopped shouting but the tears on your eyes can't.

You watched him closely as he raise his right hand, still holding his rusty machete. He then raised his left hand and he wasn't holding your boyfriend's head anymore. But what you saw made you gone mad forever.

The car's key.