¡¡Hello to all the Hive community, receive a warm greeting from Venezuela!!
El día de hoy estaremos aprendiendo como hacer un topper para decorar pasteles la coronación de la torta, la celebración de un cumpleaños es claramente la excusa perfecta para sacar a relucir tu creatividad y tu buena mano con las manualidades. Pero esta ocasión es aún más idónea cuando el que cumple los años es alguien especial para ti y ciertamente también el pequeño o la pequeña de la casa y quieres dar un toque especial al evento.
Today we will be learning how to make a cake topper to decorate cakes the crowning of the cake, the celebration of a birthday is clearly the perfect excuse to bring out your creativity and your good hand with crafts. But this occasion is even more ideal when the birthday is someone special to you and certainly also the little boy or girl in the house and you want to give a special touch to the event.
Puedes escoger la paleta de colores que más te guste (opcional) así como la forma que quieras.
You can choose the color palette you like (optional) as well as the shape you want.
Estos son los materiales que necesitas:
-Papel crepe o Papel seda
-Tijeras y Exacto (cutter)
-Silicona o Pegamento
-Lápiz y Reglas
-Palitos de altura que puedes comprar en los chinos (los usados para hacer pinchos).
-Cinta o papel de regalo
These are the materials you will need:
-Crepe paper
-Scissors and Exacto (cutter)
-Silicone or glue
-Pencil and rulers
-Sticks of height that you can buy in the Chinese (the ones used to make skewers).
-Ribbon or wrapping paper
Procesos cortos y sencillos con buenos resultados: Elige la parte contraria de la cartulina seleccionada, de esta forma al cortar en ella no se notará lo que dibujas en él, así mismo has la figura que quieras, en este caso haré un corazón, puedes hacer cualquier figura de esto se trata ¡experimentar co n tu creatividad! Escinde cuidadosamente la parte interior con un exacto (cutter) luego corta la parte de exterior con tijeras, es mucho más sencillo.
Short and simple processes with good results: Choose the opposite side of the selected cardboard, this way when you cut on it you will not notice what you draw on it, likewise make the figure you want, in this case I will make a heart, you can make any figure, this is what it is all about, experiment with your creativity! Carefully cut the inner part with an exacto (cutter) then cut the outer part with scissors, it is much easier.
Has una línea en el centro de la cartulina, allí es donde escribirás lo que desees, feliz cumpleaños o números y deben ser escritos con la letra al revés de derecha a izquierda, de esta forma cuando la cortes al darle vuelta te salga derecho
Make a line in the center of the cardboard, there is where you will write what you want, happy birthday or numbers and must be written with the letter backwards from right to left, this way when you cut it when you turn it over it will come out straight.
Ahora bien, corta cuidadosamente las letras para encontrar un resultado limpio (Si quieres un posts donde explique cómo hacerlas detalladamente comenta y vota, para estar al tanto de tus necesidades de interés)
Now, carefully cut the letters to find a clean result (If you want a post where I explain how to do it in detail, comment and vote, to be aware of your needs of interest)
En este paso haremos la parte interna de un girasol. Tomamos el papel crepe o de seda, medimos tres centímetros de ancho para una tira larga, luego cortamos muchos flequillos dejando un centímetro de base. Saltamos la tira de forma que quede larga para enrollarla o darle vueltas continuamente y sellamos el final con pegamento.
In this step we will make the inner part of a sunflower. We take the crepe or tissue paper, measure three centimeters wide for a long strip, then cut many bangs leaving a centimeter base. We skip the strip so that it is long to roll it or spin it continuously and seal the end with glue.
Ahora crearemos la flor, tomamos el papel crepe o seda y medimos cinco centímetros de ancho, dibujamos encima de ella líneas finas de forma de pétalos con el lápiz y cortamos, se repite el mismo proceso que detalle anteriormente que es enrollarla o darle vueltas continuamente, valga la redundancia, recordándoles que al final sellamos con suficiente pegamento. Si gustas puedes repetir el paso 4 y 5 para hacer más flores.
Now we will create the flower, we take the crepe or silk paper and measure five centimeters wide, we draw on top of it fine lines in the shape of petals with the pencil and cut, we repeat the same process as detailed above which is to roll it or spin it continuously, worth the redundancy, reminding them that at the end we seal with enough glue. If you like you can repeat step 4 and 5 to make more flowers.
Manos a la obra con el armado final. Unimos tolo lo realizado, empezamos fijando las flores a la figura con silicona, pegamento o cinta alrededor de ella, puedes usar un pincel o tu dedos, continuamente tomamos un trozo de papel de regalo para colocarlo de base para la letra y por último añadimos la letra en centro con pequeños puntos de silicona (agrega un palito de altura en la parte de atrás del topper para encajarlo en la torta)
Let's get to work with the final assembly. We put everything together, we start fixing the flowers to the figure with silicone, glue or tape around it, you can use a brush or your fingers, continuously we take a piece of wrapping paper to place it as a base for the letter and finally we add the letter in the center with small dots of silicone (add a stick of height in the back of the topper to fit it into the cake).
¡¡Gracias por llegar hasta acá, espero y te haya gustado, sin más que agregar hasta la próxima mi gente de Hive!!
Thanks for making it this far, I hope you liked it, no more to add until next time my Hive people!!
Muchas gracias por tu explicación paso a paso, muy bonito el toppers. Saludos :)
Hola @freidimar18 muchas gracias por tu apoyo, la verdad intento dar lo mejor que he aprendido par aquellos interesados en experimentar algo nuevo, eres muy amable, Saludos
Esa es la actitud bella, éxitos!!
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These days a video game themed birthday topper, it would be interesting to see you make one. Maybe a topper for Hive's anniversary.
A greeting, thank you very much for commenting @readstories taking into account what you said I like the idea, make a topper of a character from a video game and moreI identify with one, I'm interested in doing it, I will dare to that challenge as soon as possible, thank you
very creative work - it's come out beautifully :)
BTW you should check out some of the communities in ocd's incubation program. i think you would find some interesting communities to subscribe to and post in.
Hi @jznsamuel thank you very much, very kind, I will be aware to participate in other communities to learn also a little more of this beautiful Hive community, Thanks for the support.
That's beautiful, Mom taught me how to do cake, I learnt it but I really like the coating part though I can do some local ones cause sometimes she won't give us access to use her professional tools. With fear that we misplace it but it has been one of the best skills I learnt from Mom. You got a nice talent and awaken my childhood memory. Love your talent, keep it up. Bravo!
Wooh I love that, the truth to learn baking is also a very nice profession and more if a loved one is who teaches us, no doubt I thank God because it allows us to learn new things. And also the support of those who love us, thank you very much for commenting and supporting me, Greetings!!!!Hello @iamdanny
It's always a pleasure dear, keep it up. Hope to see more of your posts