Hello colleagues, after reading many presentations, I realized that I really did not present myself properly with hive, so I found a contest where I saw many very emotional and fascinating presentations, so I motivate myself to make a presentation, but this time you will know Marbelis as a human being.
I'm Marbelis and my friends call me Marbe, born in Venezuela a wonderful country, since I was a child I was always self-taught and I chose the career of Teaching, I'm one of those people who like to teach everything they have learned, and there is a 100% chance that I teach my friends about Hive, because this platform has become a great opportunity to develop my creativity and express my knowledge through a wonderful blog! and what is even more comforting is to monetize for your effort.
Am I married?
Here's my prince charming, wearing sunshine for a while. Watch out! I'm jealous hahaha...
What's my favorite food?
I definitely love Chinese food.
A humble house located in Santa Rosa, in this place I grew up with my parents and currently lives a very happy family, where the fundamental basis has always been love, respect and humility, I thank God for this.

Having very little time in this world, I can say that hive is a wonderful place, it is incredible the amount of authors that make their talent shine with this platform, today hive becomes an economic engine for many people including me, thank God I knew this decentralized network, where I can create a future and stability for my family and at the same time I do what I like, teach and have fun.
And that is the end of this presentation based on an initiative of @anomadsoul, wishing you the greatest success, I hope you like it.
Hey good looking. You have a lovely family.
Hi @maribels, welcome to Hive!
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