So much hype! There is a lot of information worth gold in both this first part and the second part. I'm even going to read the other posts you linked, because I have no doubt they are worth reading.
There are many "unspoken rules" that I have discerned that I should follow that you mention, such as the importance of giving context to content and putting effort into each post. And while responding to comments on my posts is something very important to me, lately my resource credits run out and I can't respond in a timely manner. But I feel bad if I don't respond to comments, so what I do is write my responses on a notepad and then when my RCs recharge, I respond to as many users as I can until my RCs run out again. I actually meant to make this comment days ago, but today was when I was finally able to get it out of the notepad 😅.
It may seem like breaking 3 images into 3 posts would get you 3 times the rewards.... but putting more effort into explaining the context and adding all 3 images into one post may end up rewarding you from curation much better in the long run.
That's the part where I felt insecure. It's just that I set out to post three drawings a week, but each one in a different post, and when I read that what you wrote I felt like I was doing something wrong :'(. And the truth is I do it that way because I feel that way my few followers enjoy my content more often, and if I compiled my three weekly drawings into one post, then I would post only once a week. doesn't that sound like posting infrequenly?
I admit I'm curious to do it because I know the post would be three times the quality and even spend less resource credits, but posting so infrequently is what worries me :(. What do you think?
Sorry for so many words. It's just that I feel like you're Hive's customer service center 😋
I just delegated a little bit of Hive Power to help you out with your resource credit issues for a while.
No worries about your long response. I rather enjoy engaging comments like this one. Thanks for taking the time to read these posts and the time to respond. Thank you even more for coming back after the fact and remembering to do it when your RC was charged up a bit. I could see how it would be easy to forget.
As far as your question goes.... i don't think that would apply to you. It's more for say the kind of posts that have artwork of a flower. Say they only post one post with one sketch of the flower. Then the next day post one post with the work in progress image. Then on the third day make another post with the finished art. This could have easily been all included in one post with detail and context and been a much better and engaging post all around. If they didn't try to milk it 3 times with minimal effort... they would probably get a better reception with just one good post instead of 3 crappy ones.
You could apply this to photography as well. In our photography lovers community... we won't curate posts with just a single image... and rarely one with just two images. It's not about quantity over quality but a nice balance of both. Some people want the art or photo to do all the work and that formula isn't as successful here on a social media blog site... though i to understand that artistic approach.
You usually have enough content and context and a lot of build up showing your artistic process to where your posts would be fine to as many as you want in that fashion. So, yes... as long as you mix things up and the content is different... and you put the effort in... post as much as you want. I'm glad you considered what i said and tried to apply it to yourself but i don't think that shoe fits you! hahaha
It's also good that you feel the need to answer comments. That shows you care... but don't feel bad, especially if you don't have the resources to do all you would like to. Power up your rewards and you will not be having the RC problems for long. Hopefully that delegation helps you out until then.
If you have any more questions or concerns let me, your friendly Hive Customer Service Agen, know how i can help! hahahha
I was talking about just that with a friend a few days ago! After reading your posts and the ones you linked to in them, I understood that this is not a social media like Instagram or Facebook.
I imagine that many people (including me) have come with the idea that to get lots of votes, lots of recognition and build an audience, they just have to do the same thing they do on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. But not exactly.
I gradually understood that this is a blog, so people don't just want to see photographs or images of art, they are also interested in what the author has to say, what they feel, what they can express verbally about that image or photograph they are sharing.
Social media blog site is the perfect description.
By the way, thanks so much for answering my question! I'm glad to know that I don't fit into that category.
I will still keep striving to make my content better and better quality!
Thanks also for delegating hive power to me! Wow I feel indebted to you. It is a huge help for me!
A few days ago another user also helped me with a delegation and that has made me realize that people are very good here.
So far I am satisfied with the service and can't think of any more questions hahahaha.
Thank you very much for everything, really!
Now I will go to comment as much as possible hahahaha.
Awesome! I'm glad to hear you are pleased with the service! hahahhaa Please do go comment and keep up the great work. You definitely don't have to feel indebted by any means. I had a few people help me when i was getting started... so i know how it feels. Just do your best (which i know you already do) and keep up the great work.
Thank you for your encouragement! I've just had a very busy week and haven't been able to take much advantage of my RCs, but I'm almost back to having more free time.
Well, either way... have a great rest of your weekend.
Thank you! Same to you ☺️