I will not be the first to write here that I started noticing various little things thanks to my Voice. The closer you look, the more you realize that everything around you is made up of little things.
The whole world is around us, at arm's length and closer. We just don't want to see it, we are "in ourselves". We spend our energy just not noticing anything. We hurry, we think, we solve the world's problems, we suffer…
And then comes the moment when you suddenly freeze in place. And then suddenly you discover another world, a world of small things.
Some small things are created by nature, and sometimes we help her. This tree, for example, who made it"heart-shaped"?
Or those stumps that were once trees. They go on living.
Life is like a long road up or down… You walk along it and think that there will be something so special, unusual there next. And at this time, on the side of the road, there are so many little things, real and those that are already in the past.
Just as the year consists of months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, so life consists of moments, events, or relationships. Even the most insignificant event can turn everything "made" by long years...
I wonder how many generations it took for such a cat to appear...
Life is made up of small things, by the way, because of small things, life often does not add up.
What just won't come to mind when the heat is under 40...