Macrophotography (Paper Wasp)

in OCD4 years ago


Having a yard filled with flower plants will give you a different atmosphere, in addition to being seen by flowers, it will also invite several types of insects that want to find food, especially when new sunlight appears, fresh air, and beautiful plants when we look at it. spring, summer, and early fall are the perfect times for insects to do activities to build their nests.

Well, the insect that I photographed has a good color, this insect is a type of paper wasp wasp, this wasp is classified as a benign or even helpful type of insect. Wasps, bees and the like, why not? they are a threat to humans, moreover, they feel disturbed by their habitat, because they aggressively defend themselves by stinging other creatures which they perceive as a threat.

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What will happen is that when you get too close to their round nests with open faces, they will scatter themselves at such threats and attack whoever is in front of them. People say paper wasp stings hurt more than honey bee stings and can produce allergic reactions to their venom.

However, the threat from paper wasps is relatively lower because their nests are far from human crowds, they make nests in large trees or high corners of buildings so that humans cannot reach them, let alone their small colony size.




