It has been a great and terrible year since 2020 started. Some people have recorded landmark breakthroughs, while some are battling with several difficulties. This is exact description of how life works - it is either good or bad.
At the conference room
Yesterday, which was the last day in August was when I started working as an Attorney in a firm at Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria., post when I will be called to the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) this month.
During my interview with the Principal of the firm and the Head of the Chambers (office manager), I mentioned my interest in reading and writing. Upon resumption yesterday, the HOC ask me to pick a spot inside the library as my office (haha ☹️).
Aside from the books and journals packed all over here, every other thing here are okay.
I like the big table, ventilation and a small balcony where I can stretch if the day’s work is getting too much.
The office table and my bag
Office shelves and books
The balcony connecting the office and downstairs
While I could not bear watching the time slips by without doing anything, as court is yet to start sitting and major commercial works are yet to start. I decided to read up some textbooks on “Summary Judgments - Undefended List” (I will give an overview in one of my blogpost soon).
Also, the Federal Government of Nigeria has postponed the operation of International flights till September 5.
My prayer and thought is with everyone across the globe who might have lost a friend, family or relatives (to COVID19) or in this year that God in his infinite mercy will comfort and guide them. And everything should restore to normalcy ASAP. We pray oh Lord!
Love & Light