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RE: How To Get A Great Start on the Hive Blockchain

in OCD3 years ago

Thank you for this valuable information...Although I'm not a newbie, i always find a new tip for my posts and it also makes my job easier when i try to explain all these details to some friends when i prepare them to join hive hahaha, i don't want them to ruin their nice blogs.😆Bookmark this ✔️


 3 years ago  

That was one of the main points for this post... not just to help guide newer folks but to give some wisdom to anyone else that needs it. I wanted to have this so i could refer people to it instead of having to explain it over and over! hahaha Thanks for stopping by and for leaving me the awesome comment. =)

Navigating this place can feel like you're searching for Pepe Silvia. But you're off to a great start!