Trust Fund Barons: Who Really Owns Real World Assets (RWAs)?

in OCD2 years ago


This is a strange world we live in, people don’t understand how markets are organized, so let me break it down for you in terms for the average Joe to understand.

Who Really “Owns” Shares of Stock in 401k Plans?”

You think when you buy shares of stock in a company on the stock market that you OWN part of the company: you don’t. You own paper derivatives of shares. Unless you’re holding the physical paper #certificates, you own a digital product, there’s nothing real there.

BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, names many people don’t know, because they’re not educated in how the financial world works.Now let’s look at how the shares are actually acquired. Most people use their #401k or pension plan to make investments on their behalf – but that’s the trigger point. People don’t realize who actually holds the power.

When you put money into your 401k plan, you are giving the money over to the money manager to then make the #investments FOR you. You don’t own anything. You don’t control that money anymore. It’s controlled by the fund manager who then makes all the decisions – you have little say in how any of it is actually determined.



So who is BlackRock? Who is Vanguard?

Well, #Vanguard is a private trust that is privately owned by BlackRock. #BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager, which controls over $9T in AUM (Assets Under Management). So if BlackRock owns the actual company, Vanguard, then, wouldn’t that imply that BlackRock owns all the shares that Vanguard purchases for fund #investors. It’s all a shell #game, you think you own something when you really don’t.

Humans Aren’t the Ones In the Driver’s Seat

So where does this lead? BlackRock has an AI entity, it’s called Aladdin, it’s been operating for many years, and most people don’t know it exists.

When you see BlackRock putting in buy orders from the Level II #data, that’s Aladdin placing those orders – humans aren’t in the driver’s seat. Aladdin is just a machine learning how to #invest and control as many assets as possible. This is the endgame: total control over financial markets in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, China…

So why is it that people don’t know who BlackRock is? Because they pay to not have their name mentioned in the #news. When you go on Twitter, you won’t see them trending often, unless it’s because their HQ in Paris gets raided by protesters.

When people claim there’s a #conspiracy theory, just remember: BlackRock actually DOES own a part of everything. That is not a conspiracy theory, that’s a fact, and you can read their own financial disclosure forms that show the shares of #stock that they own and control – most people are too intellectually stunted or lazy to read, but if you’re one of the few left who do, look at their #assets.

You will notice a very unsettling fact: They own controlling shares in nearly everything:

Disney, Netflix, Fox, Big Pharma, the Agri-Business #monopoly known as Bayer-Monsanto, the war profiteers and so-called “defense contractors,” they own the media, they own the #healthcare system keeping us sick, they own the radio broadcasting networks – after all, who do you think PAYS for the advertising that supports them?



Let’s Not Ignore the Biggest Offenders of All

Did you know that Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway is a major investor in SiriusXM Satellite Radio? Or how about how Bill Gates is the largest private owner of farmland in North America?

Did you know that Buffett owns the railroads? He owns Coca-Cola too, so when you’re all obese and have Type-2 #diabetes, remember who to thank. How about corn syrup? All those croplands getting ruined? Buffett. Gates.

What about the insertion of soy into everything we consume? Buffett. Soy and corn subsidies come straight from the state, it’s no coincidence they keep us #sick so they can become wealthier.

Anyone who drinks that poison deserves the #health problems that come with it, just eat a spoonful of sugar, it’s healthier anyway, and you won’t get cancer from cane sugar, but you will from high-fructose corn syrup that’s cultivated with insecticides and pesticides in a third world country. You think I’m joking? Look at the #ingredients list on your favorite beverage, and then tell me if you even know where half of them even come from.

You probably can’t, not even the “trained” #scientists can decipher that, because they’re not the ones creating it, they’re just the ones rubber-stamping it so that it can be over-consumed. There are people whose bodies are so chronically-dehydrated that they will be perpetually sick no matter how much they #exercise.

How do I know any of this? I do the hard work: I read. I read something new every day, it keeps the mind sharp, and strengthens your cognitive #skills, especially when you are analyzing financial disclosure forms. You read enough 13F’s and you start to realize it’s all a #scam.

The entire #financialsystem is designed to give power to the few at the expense of the many. This is how the entire world is organized, post-WWII. This was created to be this way. I suspect those who designed the system never had any idea that the common man would ever seek to own anything, so they never planned on it.



“You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy”

You may have heard this phrase from the WEF’s #propaganda, but there’s an even more nefarious message behind it that you might not realize at first glance. What you may not understand is that it’s coded speech.

“You” Will Own Nothing, because, if you’re in the 1%, you have already setup trusts through your accountant, and, if you have an intelligent #lawyer, you’ll have a charitable remainder trust set up as nonprofit #foundation. Sounds complex, but it really isn’t, because it’s the easiest way to launder money in the whole world.

You #donate your assets that you finance through debt to purchase – then you set up an annuity to distribute a fixed amount of income every month. The best part? You can just use that tax-free #income to finance even more debt. It’s a never-ending debt cycle.

