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RE: Some thoughts on Posh and some tips

in OCD3 years ago

I didn't know about sharing a link on Twitter that can help get an interested person sign up on Hive for free.

I just tried to find the "Referral link" you displayed on your post but I can't seem to find it... Is it a feature limited to a few account?

Because I can only see copy link but not "Referral link" what do I do please?

By the way, thanks for taking time out to share this post... I'm more enlightened to be careful of how I share links on Twitter.


Hmm I wasn't aware of any limitations, maybe @asgarth or @jarvie can chime in as it's a @peakd feature.

Okay, because I am using peakD frontend... But that feature isn't available on mine 😒

The option should be available for everyone. Of course you have to be logged in.

Maybe you can share a screenshot?



These are the options I see on mine

Oh, that's because on mobile the native share screen of your smartphone is used. You will see the option on desktop.

If you want you can still do it manually, just copy the link and append ?ref=merit.ahama at the end.

Oh I see now... Thanks, will have to do it manually from now.