in OCD5 years ago

I am a member/fellow mathematical society of Nigeria (MSN), fellow of mathematical scholars association of Nigeria ( FMATSAN).

I want to be impacting on the life's of people in the community by posting everything you need to know about mathematics and also I shall be gladly ready and waiting to entertain questions of mathematics from the members of the community. By the time I will start posting these everyone who has phobia for mathematics will see that mathematics is one of the most important and interesting subject/course anyone should wish to study and know.
Do well to follow me and vote
Thanks in anticipationI am @mfumid001, I'm a teacher by profession (Mathematician precisely), I was introduced to hive by a friend @Tomlee and he has been the one guiding me through the processes of registration and how to go about making impact on the platform.


Welcome to Hive,

I expect to see good content from you which I am sure you will deliver.

I respect all teachers, I have always looked up to them in every part of my life.

@ashwinpremnath, thank you I will deliver good content as I promised earlier