mikjaja cross-posted this post in OCD 3 years ago


in #introduction3 years ago


Hi friends! Nice to meet you, first off - my name is Mikhaella but you can call me Mikha. I'm 21 years old, currently attempting to complete a Bachelor's Arts degree in Multimedia Arts (at this point the degree is finishing me...) I live in Manila, Philippines. I'm 5'6, black hair, never had her dad there. (Call Me Karizma "Art Hoe", 2017)

I'm currently in my finding myself phase hence I'm really into personal development, astrology, taking personality tests online in an attempt to figure myself out! With that, I'm a Scorpio Sun, Virgo Moon, and Saggitarius Rising. My MBTI is ENFP and my Enneagram Type is 9w1, I'm team Edward. (I am hopeful that you find this useless information about me useful as this is a post of me introducing myself).


My favorite films are La La Land, Little Women, Mamma Mia 2, Dirty Dancing, and Time Traveller's Wife.

My favorite shows are Outlander, Game of Thrones (cry), Queen's Gambit, and Gilmore Girls.

My favorite books are the Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, Song of Achilles, and the Invisible Life of Addie Larue.

My hobbies include reading, watching films, cooking, working out, and curating playlists on Spotify.

My favorite artists are Hozier, Lorde, Bon Iver, Del Water Gap, and Field Medic.

I have three lovely cats and a dog - I will write an EXTENSIVE and extremely detailed post introducing each one of them soon! I have a slight caffeine addiction (my Starbucks go-to drink is Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew) and I'm extremely passionate about plant-based milk and my morning routine starring my world-famous protein banana pancakes.


I recently turned 21 on the 21st of November, it was my golden birthday and it was also in 2021 which in my opinion is very cool. Here are some pictures from my special day.


I'm at a point in my life where nothing is more fun to me than practicing self-care, working out, making intricate healthy meals, (trying) to sleep for at least 8 hours, skincare, meditating, drinking coffee, writing my little silly to-do lists, and journaling. It's so satisfying and peaceful and I've honestly never been happier.

I'm so excited to share my life and my silly little rituals and routines that make me feel safe and happy with you guys!

That's all for now, nice to meet you guys and I'm so excited to talk to you guys MORE!! I'm manifesting everyone to have a nice day.
