2 years on Steemit

in OCD5 years ago

So, 2 years passed since I created Steemit account and it went pretty fast for me. There are few thing that were changed during these years - my look, got nice job, made new friends... But one thing didn't changed, as you probably know already, and that's my love for photography. It just got better and better, improvement is pretty noticeable, at least for me.


My macro work has improved by a huge margin but with the same equipment that I have, which is great for me. I used every percent of my knowledge about macro photography and made great results. Learned new methods, lighting and positioning.


Long exposure photography, especially for stars and galaxies is on much better level. Also learned new techniques about improving image quality of these photos, learned that you need a lot of time for this kind of photography and etc.



I also bought some little drone for video and photography, not fully tested yet because of Winter and not that great weather outside. But for now, I'm pretty excited about this new piece of equipment that I have.


Here are some more photos that were took in 2019. that I liked so you can enjoy. Cheers! :)










This post has been manually curated by The PhotoStream team: The Photography Tribe!

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Congratulations @miroslavrc

Thank you for your upvote! :)

Congratulations on 2 years! Your photos are really stunning!

Thank you very much and I'm glad that you liked them! :)

Manually curated by the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you for your upvote! :)

Happy birthday man! 😊

Thanks! :D

Happy Cake Day! Love the photography, you just got a follower out of me...

Thank you for liking my content! :)

Congrats on your anniversary!

Thanks! :D

Welcome back again!
I love your photos

Thank you, I'm glad that you liked them! :)

That's some crazy shots you've taken! Good job! And Happy Steem Anniversary! :)

I'm glad that you liked them, thanks! :)

Congratulations on your Steemit achievements! Good luck!

Hvala Zorice! :)

Srecna godisnjica! Bas su brzo prosle ove dve godine :)

Hvala braćan, brzinski! :D

whaaaaaaaat these photos are nuts!!!! <3

Thanks! :D

Уопште ми није јасно како сам пропустио овај твој текст @miroslavrc. Срећна годишњица и све најбоље убудуће.

Једно ситно питање ако знаш: Која је сад отприлике цена за твој Хелиос 58мм ф2 који је обично ишао уз Зените?

Ja mislim da je cena otprilike oko 30e za helios, pre godinu i vise dana bila je oko 500 dinara. :DHvala veliko @lighteye!