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RE: 'You got thinner!'

in OCD5 years ago

As open as I am to the idea of weed and its legality (among others), I just don't get along with it. It makes me very anxious and uncomfortable every time. I think this is because it tends to... slow your brain down and leave you a bit dopey. This is a great feeling presumably for most people, but for me, most stimulants and depressants affecting the 'pace' of my brain tends to bother me deeply, be it weed, alcohol, coffee or whatever.

Add to that the spins when you've smoked too much, that are kind of like when you've drank too much... I pass every time.

Personally I don't think you're missing much at all =)


Oh, I haven't tried it yet, but it's interesting. I for sure don't like the effect of alcohol especially the spinning part (I hate it) but I still would give it a try at least.

Oh for sure. My momma always used to say 'try anything once' =D (if you get the type that makes you hyper and giggly, that can be fun)