The Crypto section is so relatable haha. I learnt eventually that instead of selling, if I just rage quit and come back in, say, 3 months time, things will be back in order. Hive is here to stay so when it plummets down to 30cents or 7 cents, it's kinda meaningless. Just another Tuesday in Crypto. Next thing you know its $18 and that $15 post isn't looking so unimpressive now is it??? shows wife $600 blog post about a weird mushroom. (I'm basing this on real events back in the day when it was called Steem).
One guy I worked with here saw his account pass the $1,000,000 mark and he still didn't sell lol. Dedication for ya.
Anyway, I'm also a musician so hit me up if you need, I dunno, Shakuhachi, viola, tin whistle or guitar recordings or something!
And welcome!
Ha, ha... Thank you.
Crypto fascinates and terrifies me in equal measure! I can see how you'd keep chasing that high and get burned really easily when it crashes.
You'd want to have your wits about you.
I didn't even do a massive amount of research with Hive and earning part etc. I just wanted a place to put up some of my writing that was linked with Crypto I'm some way and Hive looked like a cool, active community.
But I'm such a newb, it'll take me a while to see how it all flows, I'm sure as I get into it, the do's and don'ts of that side will register more. 🙂
Great to find other musicians too, tin whistle is a very Irish instrument, great to build up my network and yeah, always looking for possible colab's.