010 Pastor Peter John Peters: Bible Food Laws

in OCD3 years ago

Jesus said to the sick man: rise! Take up your bed and walk! - John 5:8

Jesus later found him at the temple, and said unto him, "You've been made whole. Sin no more, or something worse may happen to thee." John 5:14

The man's illness was therefore related to the sins he committed. Sin is a transgression of the law, including food laws. Consequences of our sins visit the third and fourth generations (Deuteronomy 5:9), which basically means your daily menu could affect your children's children.

Our people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6)

In one of my previous messages, I emphasized the importance of health. It was stated that our nations are ill, as long as the physical, mental, and spiritual condition of each individual is imperfect. Health is largely determined by the food we consume. For instance, a mind powered by glucose is inferior to that which operates on ketones. Diets containing sugar are cancerogenic. Through insulin resistance, sugar causes Alzheimer's, diabetes type II, etc. At the moment, I'm still researching how the physical and mental conditions alter our spiritual condition but rest assured, that particular link of the chain will be discovered, thoroughly researched, and understood. Once accomplished, it will be shared with you.

The question is: are God's food laws still in effect? According to the corrupt clergy, no. Somehow, Jesus' crucifixion cleaned pork of all bacteria, which is therefore now perfectly safe for consumption. That's just a sarcastic way of pointing out the lunacy behind their beliefs.

In this lecture, doctor, and pastor Peters explained why God's food laws are still in effect, and what happens if we disobey. Since pork is the most consumed of all common (meaning: unclean, unholy, demonic) meats in the Christian countries, the vast majority of the time was devoted to sharing discovered data, which confirm that pork consumption leads to many diseases, including cancer. In laboratory mouses, a pork-rich diet caused cannibalism, while in circus lions it caused cancer, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases.

Some of the swine parasites are resistant to any amount of heat ovens can produce. To learn more about it, read the work written by Mr. Benjamin Schwartz for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, titled: "Internal Parasites Of Swine".

Link: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/286364549.pdf

Another work worth reading is by German professor Hans Heinrich Reckeweg, titled: The Adverse Influence of Pork Consumption on Health

Link: https://healthmasters.com/blog/adverse-influence-pork-consumption-health

Clean and unclean animals existed in Noah's time (read Genesis 7:2), they existed in the time of Moses, and they exist today.

"You won't take away my bacon", neither am I trying to. Some people simply enjoy eating sewage.

The point is that nowadays science proves that the Lord didn't create food laws just to provoke us but in order to protect us. Corrupt clergy loves to misuse certain Biblical verses (which have been thoroughly explained by Peters in this lesson) to mislead followers. It's quite a sad thing that Christians are genuinely unaware of their wrongdoings. Eating pork is unbiblical, and unhealthy.

Part 1/2:

Part 2/2:


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