RAJAH: About The Magic Repellent Spell from Aceh

in OCD3 years ago

The archipelago (Indonesia) is closely related to a variety of magical practices, one of which is rajah (sama as magic spell). Referring to the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) V (Indonesian Dictionary, rajah explained into several meanings, which basically lead to one goal, which is to be used as a talisman to refuse disease and so on.

In Seri Informasi Budaya berjudul "Rajah" Salah Satu Pengobatan Tradisional Ureueng Aceh published by Balai Pelestarian Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional Banda Aceh 2010 rajah is defined as a mantra/prayer or symbols such as tattoos on the Maya and Anca communities in America.

In addition to the visual form, the rajah is also spoken orally. Although quite widely spread in society, rajah is usually learned from generation to generation or passed on to family or close people, although it can also be learned through teachers.

In some circles of Acehnese (a province in the westernmost part of Indonesia) society, the person who is chanting a rajah is usually called ureung meurajah. Treatment with rajah techniques is divided according to the type of rajah expert.

Because it aims for something unusual, certain conditions are needed to be able to rajah. In Aceh, it is known as penutoh, you know, like a kind of diploma that states someone is worthy or not.

Penutoh is obtained from the person where they study. Each level of knowledge that is practiced is taken through meditation (kaluet) on the mountain or in places that have been determined by the teacher and undergo certain practices.

Rajah tends to be used to treat someone who is affected by magical attacks, such as, witchcraft, and the like. Some people in Aceh call it peunyaket dônya (world disease).

On the other hand, there is also a rajah that is used as an antidote or protector from jinn disturbances or is believed to be a spirit. This type of rajah is applied in the form of spells to amulets that must be carried by the user except to certain places that are forbidden.

In practice, rajah has a style in the form of the practice of chanting certain prayers or mantras according to the type of illness suffered by using magical powers or occult knowledge obtained from various sources.

Some people in Aceh believe that there are people who can summon the spirit, which has been taking care of itself (khadam). People who can summon guardian spirits are known as pari.

There is even a belief that in this world there are people who have inherited the advantages of their predecessors. This person is believed to be able to heal (meurajah) other people.

To support the success rate, rajah must meet at least three completeness. Includes someone who expert, tools or auxiliary instruments, and the mantras.

Auxiliary instruments that are often used include lime (boh kruet). The usefulness of this lime is usually to looking (guess) the disease that a person is experiencing.

Another auxiliary instrument is frankincense, which is divided into white and black frankincense. White frankincense is used as an antidote while the black one is used for bad or destructive purposes.

For both purposes, frankincense is burned on a censer whose activity is known as thöt keumeunyan. Frankincense smoke is believed to channel all the goals to be achieved.

In Seri Informasi Budaya berjudul "Rajah" Salah Satu Pengobatan Tradisional Ureueng Aceh published by BPSNT Banda Aceh 2010, there are several diseases that can be cured through tattoos. Among others, sijundai, seureubok, burong, teukeunong, reuhat, and teumeungu.

Sijundai was famous in the western and southern coastal areas of Aceh in ancient times. Sijundai is sent by a man to a woman, or vice versa (out of heartache because love is rejected), which can cause the victim to go crazy.

Seureubok (powder) in the form of a dangerous concoction that aims to harm others. Burong is a disease caused by a genie by perching on the victim's body (meurampot).

Teukeunong (affected by a spell sent by someone) is basically almost the same as meurampot, but the disease that is caused looks more natural. Reuhat is a type of disease in the form of a very excruciating itching starting from the skin to the flesh that can cause severe injuries.

As for teumeugu, it is a kind of disease caused by demons which is believed to come from the spirits of people who died tragically. So, thanks for reading, see you next time.