English-language dubbing will be the priority on Final Fantasy XVI, announces producer Yoshida

in OCD4 years ago


Announced with great fanfare over the last year, Final Fantasy XVI is nevertheless not planned for now, far from it: the next RPG of the Square Enix franchise is not ready to have finished its development. , but the latter seems to move forward without problems hearing updates from the teams behind the title.

We just recently learned that the dubbing sessions for the game were soon over, and a recent interview with producer Naoki Yoshida on the Washagana TV YouTube channel reveals that Final Fantasy XVI will prioritize English voices, both in production and facial motion captures for the characters.

English voices come first

Thus, the movements of the lips of the characters of FFXVI will be synchronized with the English voices, which will also enjoy the British accent which often goes hand in hand with the fantastic medieval contexts.

“I've worked on Final Fantasy XIV for 8 years now, but I've never been to a dubbing session. I have my principles on this. If I go, since I also write some dialogues I would like to impose myself and say my opinion, and give the impression that there are two sound directors in the session. And I think it would make it harder for the voice actors if the producer comes in and says different things about the sound director. So I don't go to the dubbing sessions.

I'm also not going to Final Fantasy XVI voiceover recording sessions. Since I am not in charge of the story. During writing meetings, I express my opinions as “I think this line of dialogue should be changed, in view of the emotions of Clive, the protagonist…” Although the team was very accommodating in taking into account take my advice into account.

This time, the English language dubbing sessions go first. And we decided to focus on British English. We also need to record the facial captures. We couldn't animate every shot of a scene by hand. So this time around we're going to do it all with full face capture motions and add the voices on top. However, it is not just about the cutscenes. So that's one of the reasons the English version comes first. We will start the Japanese version soon. "

Only planned for PlayStation 5, Final Fantasy XVI still does not have a release horizon at the moment