How to Build a Strong and Long Lasting Relationship With People of Value

in OCD11 months ago


Having a sound relationship with the valuables is another different kind of currency that many people are short of. It doesn't matter what you are made of, what you have achieved and the capacity and authority that you pull when you talk but when the needed relationship maintenance is not there, it can be likened as a re-echo of a sound that vanishes away in no distant time. Many people have relationships with divers people for reasons and to some their reasons are based on temporary targets whereas to some others, their reasons are permanent and so the relationship is to the end of life.

Many people have fallen into good and promising relationships, though it started well and looks like something that aren't ending soon but just like a twinkling of an eye it ended. The worse part of it is that to some of these people that are in this relationship that it ended in their very before, they can't point out as to why the relationship ended but it did. Does it mean that the ending process happened just immediately or instantenously, the answer is no but what happened is that the ending process has been initiated before now but it was just waiting for the slightest and easiest way through for it to go. To tell the reason why the relationship ended just like a magic with something that shouldn't have ended it? it was just because the both parties weren't looking at the little things that matter.

The Way Through


Be mannered. Lack of manners cannot stand the test of times when the unforseen comes in relationships.


Be principled and be a person of value. Make sure that you provide value in a relationship so that you won't be treated as a addition of number.


Be a quiet listener. There are cases that you don't talk just because you have something to say but rather their are cases where you keep quiet and maintain silence but be on the notion of doing the right thing.

Be a rational thinker. Think on both inside and outside the box.

This article is not based on love relationship or more related to it but rather on a neutral ground and the common relationships people have on a daily base so don't judge the article base on love affections as you would mis-interpret the whole thing.

The Little Errors that Spoil Relationships



There are many that because of pride the height they aspire to attend they miss out of it and their destiny helpers seeing the pride in them bows out without they actually knowing that the last person or said broken relationship could have been the answer to what they have wanted. Pride is so dangerous that it bewitches the rider, making the rider not know that something good is going out of hand and might likely cost the rider a lot. Pride has the tendency of blinding the rider and maybe the rider has been well known and big before now, the fall would be such a great noise. Because of pride, ones family, business, homes can be shattered and to worsen it all, it can kill. There are relationships that one keeps that pride isn't needed in the table. The holy book says it all that he that brings himself up would be brought low and he that is low high.


There are many people that have lost their dream job, dream breakthrough and dream life because of disrespect. To some of the people that matters and serves as ones destiny helpers when respect is no longer served in the table they take their bow and what is missed is missed. Inasmuch as disrespect has caused many people a lot and has broken relationship that should have lasted for long, their is posed to be serious after of disrespect and the law of karma has a way of finding the back of those that disrespects, paying them back with their coins. So if you are in a valuable relationship, always serve respect and watch the magic of it.


Being stingy in a relationship doesn't necessarily equate gifting of material things and money, it has more to do with value. To some people that serves as the givers in a relationship, it doesn't necessarily mean that they have enough but because they treasure the union and what it can birth they keep on giving regardless. There might be cases of lack of trust and not reciprocating what is been shared on the table of maintaining the relationship but also being stingy shouldn't be part of the equation. As a matter of fact, building a relationship on the basis of money is more like a time bomb because if the money finishes, the end product of the relationship is disastrous and close. Therefore not being stingy with your time, care and attention should be the basis of a long lasting and solid relationship.

Lets talk more about this on the comments, let me know your thoughts on this article. Thanks for stopping by.