The Weekly Hive Charity Giveaway - Week # 25

in OCD9 days ago

Welcome to week 25 of The Weekly Hive Charity Giveaway!

Donations for this week's giveaway are OPEN. See below for details


To participate:

Send 1 $ HBD to @combination to get 1 Lucky Number for this week's prize draw
Notice: any transfer received directly to @papilloncharity account will be considered a donation and by no means it will be included in the weekly draw.

Here is a detailed guide

  • Include the transfer memo Weekly Hive Charity Giveaway
  • Your Lucky Number is assigned automatically
  • You can get as many lucky numbers as you want per draw.
  • 50% of all $ HBD collected goes to the giveaway prizes, 50% goes to @papilloncharity
  • After the draw, if you win your $ HBD prize will be sent to your account
  • Don't have any $ HBD? ►Convert HIVE to HBD Here◄

~ This Week's Giveaway ~

1st place prize ~ 35%

2nd place prize ~ 15%

@papilloncharity ~ 50%

~ News and Notice ~

  • Take a look to all the data stored about participations, donations and badge stars distribution Here.
  • Please report any errors that you may spot.
  • The project has a new website, tell us what you think. There you can see what is being made to help others:


Badge Star Description

Each badge has 5 stars below it that will indicate the levels of participation.
The total value of each star is 10 points.
1 point for each hbd and 1 point for each hive donation.
Get your badge now!


~ About the Weekly Hive Charity Giveaway ~

The Weekly Hive Charity Giveaway is a way to donate to verified charities on Hive that doesn't burden the reward pool.

We feel receiving donations, and not relying on rewards or welfare, is more sustainable

Please see the Introductory Post for more information about this initiative


~ Conditions and rules ~

  • 1 $ HBD gives you 1 Lucky Number for the prize draw
  • Please do not send $ HIVE unless your intention is to make it a 100% donation to charity
  • Refunds for invalid entries (odd amounts or Hive mistakenly sent) can be given
  • Sending using the tip feature is okay (0.990 = 1)
  • Lucky Numbers for prize draw are assigned based on the order $ HBD is received
  • You can get multiple Lucky Numbers by sending more than 1 $ HBD
  • A Lucky Number can only win once per week
  • If the draw is closed, you will be entered for the following week


~ Fairness and Transparency ~

When the giveaway closes (about 1 week/7days after this post is published), a comment will be made below this post:

** ~ GIVEAWAY CLOSED ~ XX $ HBD collected ~ **

Verifiable Random Number Generation (RNG) will determine the lucky numbers. The results will be posted and the rewards will be sent. Then, a new week will begin!

Transparency is importantIntroductory Post for more information about this initiative. All donations and 50% of $ HBD collected in the giveaway will be sent to @papilloncharity, a trusted, registered and verified charity on Hive. See the

We understand that not everyone may want to participate in the prize giveaway. If you still want to donate, please write Donation in the transfer memo or send $ HIVE instead. You can also just give directly to @papilloncharity.


Disclaimer: The purpose of this initiative is to encourage donations to registered charities. The draw is decided by verifiable random number generation (RNG). Please see the Detailed Terms and Conditions for more about how it works. Participation is optional.

Subscribe to @combination so you don't miss a draw

Don’t have a Hive account yet? Sign up free here!

Tags: #charity #donation #help #assist #community #giveaway #give #welfare

~ Please comment below if you have any questions or concerns ~