Memperkenalkan kepada HIVE !

in OCD2 months ago

Hello, let me introduce myself, I am Eva
I come from Aceh, where Aceh is one of the provinces of Indonesia that has a wealth of spices and has beautiful scenery.


I currently live in northern Aceh. I have various hobbies, including visiting tourist attractions, culinary and sewing. I also teach sewing to junior high and high school children. I have only been teaching sewing for about 3 months and have had good results. I teach fashion every Saturday.
Fashion educates children to become prospective fashion designers with the soul of young entrepreneurs.



![1000186846.jpg]( hmTVXv6iYLsGSjkhxzWJjV9fnR5V4ywADkBGEdMR9UTPZxE57Z4PW7MWuBLeja.jpg)

![1000243330.jpg]( n6wz8Uz2GV4kvJtNJ7nfuJdVAB.jpg)


Hobby that produces, right!
Currently my main job is as a teacher. I am a high school chemistry teacher at a private school.
Chemistry is fun?
Yes, of course. Chemistry is in every object in our lives, from health, food, beauty products and so on. Chemistry is a fun and enjoyable subject. Chemistry lessons will feel fun if the knowledge is conveyed properly, especially with practice. Both simple and dangerous practices.


Fun isn't it!
Oh yeah, I got to this hive taught by my coworker @nurul-uli, I got interested when my friend was making a procedure for making objects complete with tutorials and uploaded them on the Hive site. In addition to teaching me, my friend also taught several of my other friends simultaneously. Very kind and has togetherness.


Thank you for teaching and supporting me and my other friends here. Hopefully it will be useful for me and the community.
Hopefully I get good profits like the existing community.
Please support and help my account to become a big and famous account.
Thank you for supporting me ❤️


Great content! Thanks for sharing it on Hive.

We’d love to see you join Block Horse Racing and start winning!
There’s a reward waiting in your wallet to kick off your journey in the BHR-Game multiverse !BHRT .

Let’s enjoy building a healthy movement together on the Hive Blockchain!

Uses: 40/56

How to do it friend

Wow, I hope I get more in my wallet with good people like you.

Thank you all

Happy joining Friend
hopefully we can do the best together in this hive😘

Thank you my best friend

Thank you my friend

Firat of all, let me say you look so pretty and have got a wonderful personality, welcome to hive and I hope you will thrive very well.

Thank you very much, my friend. I hope we can develop very well together in the hive.

Hi @muzzalifa Welcome to Hive. That is great to see you are a teacher of both sewing and chemistry.

Thank you friend

Thank you for supporting me
Hopefully we can support each other here, friends.