But are all the dreams that I had in the morning come true? But how can a dream come true?
However, now is not the time to really lie. If anyone moves in any way at this moment, he will definitely consider me a murderer. Because at the moment there is no one at home except me. So the body of Jaira has to disappear as soon as possible.
The work that you think. I tied Jaira's body with a cloth and dragged him to the manhole at the back of the house. I took a good look around and opened the manhole cover and threw Jaya inside. I don't think anyone will see this scene so late at night. So I came home without saying a word. Although there is some remorse in the sleeves, there is also some relief. Who wants to die in prison? Moreover become an innocent man.
I can say with 100 percent confidence that I did not kill Jaya. But who will believe me 100 percent? I left out 100 percent or not, even 10 percent will not believe. However, the hunger of my stomach has disappeared after the corpse has gone missing for so long. It seems that this time it is better to lie down and rest. Although sleep will not come in tension.
Well, I left out my words. But Jaya?
What did this girl do wrong to him? What's so angry about his daughters? That's why he killed a girl without hesitation.
But how is it possible for Minhaj to be killed? Mother said he had gone to Kushtia.
It is not possible to go so far in one day and come back in one day. But if he is Kushtia, then who else can kill Jaya?
My head rumbled in agony. I can't think of anything else. I spread Minhaj's files randomly and lay down on the bed. Strange thing happened!
People can't sleep with the burden of worries. But I fell asleep as soon as I fell asleep. Around midnight, I was woken up by a random hit at the Main Gate.
I jumped up and sat down.
_Oma is going to play three! But who can come so late at night? Besides, why is he knocking like this without pressing the doorbell? Due to the delay in opening my door, the sound of beating was getting louder and louder.
I became impatient. There are lots of storms outside.
It is a matter of wondering who can come so late at night.