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RE: I wanted to talk a little bit about onboarding

in OCD2 years ago

I think the main reason that people want to come to Hive is to make some money. Once they discover that they have to put time and effort into it to be successful, many give up, the same as in real life. OCD seem to do the best job of supporting and onboarding users so far as I can see and it shows this is not an easy task, even with many people working with a lot of passion.


You're right. I feel that when monetization is involved, a lot of narrative will be tipped over. Look at Twitter now. People are going Gaga because they want to earn, I just feel.a large population will go away when they realize it takes a lot. When it comes to monetization, effort is needed and this we might think this is peculiar to hive, but immediately we see web2 adopt monetization, we'd see these problems in web2 as well.

Yeah, I think a lot of people think it's a get-rich-quick thing. I've onboarded a few folks who loose interest because they only made a few cents. I wonder how much they made from The Book, X and the Gram 🤔

Yeah exactly. I can only say that those social media companies are making mega profits and the employees also have a life of luxury with lots of benefits and free stuff at the content creators expense.