Glad you got some positives out of it, that's the only way to look at a terrible job situation.
I think you have to have a certain vernacular for sales. I had a job for 9 months in that field as a product specialist but yeah, handed my notice in after 7 months with a 2 months notice. Terrible company to work for as the management lied to me constantly about the job, I was being pulled from pillar to post all across the UK and they wouldn't give me any information about commission or let me work from home like they said they would in the interview stages.
It was only after I handed in my notice that they decided to tell me and let me know my (piss poor rates) which cemented my decision to leave.
The good that came out of it was that I used the money to go travelling around Australia and NZ last year so every cloud 🙂
They become so nice and honest after you submit that resignation letter lol. Oh, that's when you made that trip to Australia lite, well that is some silver lining, I give you that.
Hopefully, when I get done with school, I'll get a better job and this time, I'm going to ask a lot of questions.
Yeah chalk it up to experience. I have had a few jobs and with that comes interview experience so you know the questions to ask to see if it's right for you, salary expectations, what to research before hand etc.
Yeah, that's something I didn't learn at school
Yeah, you don't learn any of this stuff at school haha! Life is the real education hey
True that brother. We live to learn.