What is the best advice you can give to a 17-year-old girl?

in OCD4 years ago


I have an older sister. She is simple and one of the most innocent people I know. She is 4 years older than me.

When she completed her 8th standard, her education was stopped. There was no school for higher classes in my village. The nearby town had a school till class 12th but my family could not afford to send it.

If you are reading this answer then you must have a smartphone worth 8-10k or more. And if you are reading this you know English very well.

But you know how much my sister's entire education cost?

10,000 less than Rs.

After school she helped my mother with the housework and took care of me and my younger brother.

She is my only sister.

When it came to her marriage, the brothers and father decided to make the best of it.

We are a small community in our village. Upper caste people spend lakhs in weddings but our community had never done such an expensive marriage till today.

About Rs 15,00,000 was spent on her marriage. All furniture items in the form of gold, dowels, and the best welcome ever in our community.

This may not sound like a very expensive wedding by your standards, but trust me it was the best I have ever had from my community level. (There is no compulsion of dowry in our society, my family happily did everything as she is the only sister.)

Watch now..

The total money spent on her marriage is 150 times the money spent on her complete education.

But that 150 times the money doesn't help him as 10,000 is spent on his education.

So what advice do I have for a 17 year old girl or any girl?

Only one

If you have education opportunities and options, make the best use of them. Don't waste it. Don't let the people around you decide your fate. Educate yourself and make good out of this life.



omg! This made me emotional. Every kid, girl, woman, human being must get the chance to study if they want to. I feel so hopeless. I wished I myself could do more for people that want to study but can't.😔
I hope that despite everything your sister has a happy and good life. Sending my love to her.❤️ She is beautiful btw.💙
And I hope that the people that read this will follow your advice. Thanks for sharing this.

Thanks For Your Kind Words ❤️❤️