Actual content. That's the stuff your normal everyday social media consumer views and shares. Not everyone produces content. The glaring majority consume it. Over the years I've produced many instances of actual content. This is a content production platform, much like how Youtube is a content production platform. This is not Facebook or Twitter. That's where people go to view, consume, share, and talk about actual content. The consumer content is usually comments under actual content or personal info like a status message, home videos and photos. Short, impulsive, opinion based comments/reactions to actual content.
Hive does not have a market for actual content. I see the steady flow of "onboarding effort posts" but those people are not consumers, which is what this platform lacks. From the content creator perspective, I see far too many complaints from other content creators. If my consumers support my work consistently, that's a sign of a success in this industry. Then I see people talk about how noobs should earn by default (supposed to take years to grow a following of consistent consumers) and those with large stake consistently trending "should not see as much support," meaning anyone who is new today has nothing to work up to since they too will eventually find some measure of success and that success will be frowned upon. You can visit Youtube and see many of the same accounts trending consistently, they are also the wealthiest top earners, nobody complains, since that's what they want to work up to, and the majority of users are consumers who see success as a good thing as well. Nobody complains when members shitpost or share actual content they liked in Facebook groups then consistently get the most likes... yet for some reason, here, rather than folks working to build their consumer base and support group, they want to tap in to what others built, and feel entitled to the same results as anyone seeing success.
It seems many here want to attract casual, everyday content consumers/social media users. They then want to take their content, convert that into actual content and lead them on to expect rewards for the consumer style posts. Meanwhile the actual content creators are already dying for an actual audience. Hive pays those consumers with comment votes and consumer rewards, but those people are not prepped to be content with earning less than an actual content creators. Even some of the "local experts" around here think those consumers should earn what top trenders earn with their consumer style content which is ridiculous. People who would be better suited at filling the role of consumer, which should outnumber creators here 1000 to 1, they end up leaving since earning a few Hive per month consuming "isn't enough and not fair" even though that's way more than what they earned in twenty years consuming elsewhere. This place needs to attract those dedicated paying consumers. People who are happy to earn low rewards for shitposts, liking posts, and commenting. Meanwhile, actual content creators need to be able to find success and not be treated like shit for it. Some of these blind autovotes are ridiculous while those posts don't even get comments. As for those receiving top notch engagement regularly on top of those auto votes... well, if there were more dedicated consumers here, I would have hundreds if not thousands more comments under those posts, and so would many others. I'd also see a raise in pay... and so would everyone else. If people continue to complain about these things... we're going nowhere. Pardon my rambles...