I've put a lot of thought into this over the years. Probably said the same things a million different ways, with each new version becoming shorter and shorter. It all boils down to those five simple words.
If a post gets published on Hive and no people are around to see it, does it get read?
These days its even more challenging. Not as many people around as there was when some of us made ourselves known.
There comes a time when the roles reverse. Instead of going out, pounding the pavement, and making your presence felt; people come to you. Plenty of people have visited me over the years and because of that, sometimes they get a follow, which leads to votes, provided I see the work and enjoyed it.
It has been quiet. Not a good sign.
Let me ponder the conundrum you posed...My brain is too far into Saturday to come up with an answer so rapidly. :)
Yeah, it's been quiet...I post twice a day still though as I figure someone might come across me due to the lack of other options. I have to think of it that way or else I'd probably just stop posting and considering I enjoy it...Well, I just keep going and hope someone sees them.
If it was not for the engagement I get I would simply stop as it's the engagement that adds depth to my posts. Sure, I would love to attract some interest from larger accounts who continue to follow and vote, but that can't be the motivation because it doesn't really happen like that for me...So, I do it because I enjoy it, value the engagement and hope the other follows on at some stage.
Quiet? Yep, but I hope it get's noisier. I'm going to keep banging on about engagement and see if I can help the process.
Some of what I like to do to trigger a response is on pause for now. Used to be able to write using characters. People would comment and I'd respond in character. Could be the biggest dickhead but everyone knew it was just for fun, kind of like being the bad guy wrestler at times.
Your post mentions getting rid of ego and hubris. Wise words. For entertainment I would take those traits, blow them up, have some fun with it, publish a post being that way. People knew I was joking. Somewhere along the lines suspension of disbelief no longer became a thing; some were taking it seriously. The mood or vibe is quite serious at the moment. Even my previous post is meant to be humorous but toned it down quite a bit because that bad guy wrestler/artist combo just doesn't seem to be getting the reaction.
The point is, I wouldn't be trying to put on a show if I didn't want people to read and respond. So it's somewhat quiet and a quiet day depresses me. Not sure if I should push it or tone it down. Man you could put $1000 beside my post but without a reaction I have no idea if it was good or not. Damn I'm rambling about some useless shit again.
I hear you mate, about it being quiet. I spend a lot of time in the new, all posts section though, scanning for something to curate so I see a lot of posts and it seems less quiet, but my own feed and often the communities...Yep, slow. I hope it improves.
I understand the character thing although I think some would not understand, especially a non-english speaker. Having said that though, we can't operate within such limited bounds. It's no different to people posting in Spanish of Korean I guess. So, do what you will and just have fun I guess right? Same with the ego/hubris thing, but then there's the vibe to consider.
Anyway, all I hope is that I add some value and whilst I know the clique-groups around the place won't see it, some others may. Or that's my hope.
I'm aware of the risks. Different cultures, different sense of humor. Sarcasm is its own language.
It's good though to see posts like these from time to time, reminding people of the truth. I imagine if we had millions of consumers around, most folks could get by simply by sharing their work. Right now it's kind of a small town where everyone knows everyone, unless you're new. People do need to mingle.
I'll scroll through the recent work as well. I'd suggest people add some life and their own personality to their posts since again, people follow people, not posts. A picture of a tree is just that. I can't follow a tree anywhere.
I'm an Aussie...So this relates to me. We are well renowned for it. Lol.
Personality, passion and effort is what I look for when I curate...There's not enough of it though. IT's not even that difficult to apply, although I believe society is getting dumber, so...Maybe I'm asking too much.
Self-irony is common in Canada. I might insult myself or talk about a rough patch in life, maybe be openly frustrated; many things. I'm laughing about it but the response can be anything from "hang in there, don't beat yourself up, quit acting pathetic..." and so on. Totally missing the invitation to come laugh with me. Self-irony is a tough one to accomplish in writing since many add their own tone and state of mind to the words they read, yet I still do it.
You're not asking too much. I don't have high standards but at the same time, I won't be lowering them. I look for a lot of the same things.
I think the ability to laugh at oneself is a very important skill to have, and yet, many don't understand when people apply it. I guess it depends on one's upbringing and experiences. I just wrote a piece about my childhood, it will post around this time tomorrow night I guess...It opens up a little about my childhood and is an insight into why I am who I am now...It's a little sad, but I don't necessarily see it that way because what happened to me as a kid shaped me into who I am now, and I like me. That's why self-irony is so easy for me to do, because of my experiences in life.
Dropping ones's standards is perpetrating a self-crime and should be punished with self-flagellation. Lol.