I'm sure my taste is unique; but that's no different than anyone else. Years ago I used to mock people for taking pictures of their food and sharing on social media. I didn't understand it. But then something catches my eye here, and suddenly realize how much work actually goes in to some of these foodie posts. So maybe I didn't like the amateurs on social media, but the professionals on a content platform is a whole different story. But that still doesn't mean suddenly I'm supporting every damn foodie post. Things simply catch my eye.
Something that's always bothered me is how on quite a few occasions people show up and present some from of arts/entertainment I enjoy, then that slowly fades as they start becoming obsessed with crypto, and that's all they talk about, then the entertainment is gone. So you'll keep them on list thinking someday they might have some music again or something like that, while you go look for someone else who's creating arts/entertainment and follow them.
Oh yeah! and what bothers me even more is that many of these chaps (once upon a time entertainers) suddenly start to talk about authenticity, consistency and be true to themselves & their "Art" trying so hard to convince you that they are not here just for the money and then fighting with claws and fangs to not lose your support after being clearly corrupted by it. ¡Wadda bunch of... of... of... well, you know what I mean!
Yeah! you must be happy now. There are a ton of these daily if you just dare to visit the Hot page of hive. Perhaps and even you can manage to develop an irresistible passion for also consuming and reward the growing endless avalanche of content on makeup in there. };)
Some of those makeup posts, I think I voted for a couple because they caught my eye and were artsy as fuck. I recognized the fact that young lady did a lot of work and the intention was entertainment. I mean, nobody complains when the zombies on zombie movies look like zombies because of makeup. Then I've seen some other ones that were just shit. Pure shit like she got shot with a paintball gun right between the eyes. But still, I'm an artist and know someone's going to look at my work and feel the same way, and the next one to come along thinks it's amazing.
And yes, it obvious at times some folks change their approach, and around here it's common for that change to lean more towards the crypto side of things, and the reason is the follow the money, telling people what they want to hear. But I've written about it before. If your goal is to follow the money, you will never catch it, because that wasn't part of the plan.
Yeah! just tell me more about the chaps that have been always misled by the usual slogan and old narrative of:
"I came here for the money but then stayed for the great community"
And then the yadda yadda & blahblahblah inherited by Hive and its 20 apostles from the beginning.

And ¡BOOM!
Yeah, prolly because although now the narrative & old slogan is not so public & visible, perhaps things in reality have not changed much behind the scenes.
And therefore, there has been no way that these main 20 apostles to get it into their heads that what this place actually needs are much more avid consumers willing to be paid by their consumption and not aim to lure so many opportunists and speculators with fat wallets and less commitment with the communal welfare of the platform.
So, in summary. ¿Money talks?
Crap! ¿Who Knows? just keep telling people what they want to hear and you will know.
Otherwise the opulent rewards adjusters of the chain might come up to bite your ass if you don't. };)
Well, you can pin it on 20 people but I can show you thousands who haven't been able to grasp how the business model is upside down. That would include "minnows"; all walks of life.
For one, many haven't noticed there are two distinct branches of what some call 'social media.' One is more for consumers, like Facebook and Twitter. Nobody sells their photo album of baby and family pictures. And you don't get paid when offering someone a pamphlet or flyer that offers details leading to some kind of event. So some would say, "This is the Facebook killer," yet it doesn't even serve the same purpose.
The other branch, like Youtube, is populated by actual creators as well as consumers, but they can utilize things like Facebook or Twitter as distribution tools. Even with news, you'll find headlines on Facebook or Twitter, but those link to actual content platforms. Hive is a content platform. Treat it like a social media distribution tool and there's no way to recoup costs, whereas actual content has value and commonly makes money.
The business model is incredibly simple. Signs of its existence date back probably further than the crumbling Roman Colosseum. You build a stage which is synonymous with platform, hand out flyers mentioning potential entertainment of some form, and do everything in your power to fill the seats. Then if you feel like being creative, you offer consumer perks, like a free beer, and make even more money because they're paying to get in, as well as being directed to a place offering something for free, where they'd most likely spend more money since they're there.
Any time crypto connects with some form of arts and entertainment, suddenly the mainstream is interested. Whatever that Crypto Kitties thing was almost broke ETH. Famous people are all over the NFT thing and loving it. Consumers simply need a product, and content is a product they've loved for thousands of years. Then you get something like EOS becoming something out of thin air, and of course the mainstream will mock it like they did, and of course people will lose money. Right now, locally, people are sitting around waiting for some miracle, hoping someone comes along to buy CUB for instance. But why would they? As a favor to those holding now so they can make money? That's every crypto bagholder right there, waiting for that miracle. And since folks seem so keen on preaching to the choir and telling everyone what they want to hear, they seem to think that miracle will happen. But when you have products, you don't depend on miracles. Hive in general is setup to be in good shape, but not with the stereotypical crypto mindset in the way holding it back, looking for ways to lure people in with strange tricks, gimmicks, hope, promises, and the chance of, having a chance, at something, but you don't really know what, someone just said it's cool. Like trying to sell jars full of air.
And if I get shot for saying that, I'll just take my bullets. I don't care. No need to point fingers at any one individual when technically, an entire culture causes the confusion. And it'll be tough to break away from that. But hopefully not impossible. I'm confident many in positions like that top 20 maybe don't fully agree, but don't fully disagree with me either when I speak about the potential when it comes to flipping things around and attracting the consumer. They're only people and just as powerless as the next person. And of course one can't simply snap their fingers and make it so.
Ok, now let me just add "Two Thousands Words" more to your lucid reply.
No one's going to waste bullets on you. They already found cheaper ways to deal with people who dares to point out a few evident things over here and who eventually talk like you.
I don't subscribe to that paranoid state of mind tricking people into thinking they need to fear what they say around here. I've been outspoken for nearly five years. Never once ran into any situation serious enough to make me feel like I need to stick my tail between my legs and walk away. There's a greater chance of simply being disliked by those who disagree, and that's not a big deal. That's just how the world is these days. I don't dislike folks because thousands of us played a role in making something new, but still have to figure out what the fuck to do with it in order to make it sustainable and permanently profitable, and I'd gladly sit down and try to work things out if the opportunity presents itself.
I just see things differently. It's not a big deal. People are excited about RC and RC pools, for instance. But I know damn well, when it comes time to sell a car, you're not going to be able to make the big sale being excited about fuel lines and the gas tank. And pardon my edits. Having technical difficulties.
Yeah, I know very well the feeling. We both have been in this ecosystem about almost the same time watching from the first row how things develops. I suppose that the fact of not having had any need to stick our tail between our legs and walk away has been just matter to have been building some sort of respect by saying things clear and eloquently such as they are, independently of sounding like a controversial, polemic and dissenting voice sometimes.
I am aware that you are not one of my followers and perhaps for the same reason you do not interact much in my content. However, I have noticed that you have a very well balanced eclectic list with the ones you currently follow. And from what I've seen, it seems like a pretty colorful list of followed specimens of diverse nuances which looks very respectable to me.
Perhaps you still have to do a more thorough cleaning to get rid of all the dead accounts in it. But I am pleased to have seen that at least you still conserve a pretty large group of known rebels, outcasts and misfits in your list. What strikes me like a clever and wise way on how to maintain a truly healthy, nutritious and balanced diet in content in this place.
Sorry had to. My fingers did the walking.
Need. To. Cut. Them. Off. Penis.
Probably a good time for me to leave this discussion before whatever I'm saying is misconstrued; twisted into some form of madness.
You have strange taste when it comes to porn.
Well you know what they say?
One mans trash is another mans treasure..
So you're the one who's been digging through my bins at night!
There's some good shit there sometimes...