ENGAGE Giveaway!

in OCD5 years ago
Countdown terminated on Sep 4, 2020, 11:00 AM

Hey everyone!

The communities have been evolving nicely lately, it's great to see OCD also drop down a few ranks and niche communities taking it's place. We're hoping that'll continue and will be announcing some other communities we've accepted to our incubation program shortly, but before that we wanted to discuss engagement.

As we all know engagement is a bit lacking lately, everyone wants to be an author and that's great but it has left little time to consume content from other authors. There's a lot more reasons why engagement is important, just today for instance we were discussing that a lot of "sockpuppet" accounts often give away how they may be ones because they never engage and all they do is post. That and their articles being spun or copy translate plagiarised. Nonetheless I believe the time for these things is coming to an end as we focus more and more on posting onto communities and the community leaders and curators being more knowledgeable about those topics will have an easier time weeding out the abuse than random curators or hivewatchers.

Engagement is also important because often times consumers who've read a post want to follow it with more discussions or read more about it and what other consumers think. The EIP change that brought a tax to rewards that don't make a certain amount of rewards to fight low reward farming has at the same time disincentivized commenting or at least curating comments knowing you'd lose out on rewards and if your vp strength isn't that high it'll also give less rewards out while burning more vp than before the EIP. This is why @abh12345 created the ENGAGE token.

ENGAGE is simple, it's a Hive-engine token, once you've earned or bought your way up to 1000 tokens you're able to give them away to others through comments with the

!ENGAGE XX command (10 to 50 coins can be given out at once)

back in the day OCD used to buy up tokens at random with Hive to give them some value on the market for those who were looking to sell their earned ENGAGE for Hive. Right now we have over 32k tokens that I recently transferred to an account I use more often and we thought it'd be great to give these out to community leaders and curators but also to people you can nominate that you think could use them well because they engage a lot on the blockchain!

What you can do in the comments of this post is check how much ENGAGE a user has which you would like to nominate (not yourself please) through this link: https://hive-engine.com/?p=balances&a=username if you have issues loading the page you can also check the richlist: https://he.dtools.dev/richlist/ENGAGE

then you just nominate the user and mention the amount they'd need to reach 1000 tokens to be able to distribute them themselves. The ones with the most votes/vouches will be considered to be topped up on ENGAGE after we check their engagement activity a bit.

Other than that we'll also be giving out ENGAGE tokens automatically to all the community leaders and curators already part of the OCD community incubation, but please report here, check your balance and how much you still need and let us know in a comment!

Hoping to see more activity of ENGAGE distribution and of course more engagement! Who knows what the future brings for the ENGAGE token. ;)

our website and vote for our witness if you appreciate what we're doing on Hive.We would appreciate it if you want to delegate to @ocdb and earn some daily returns with a low fee which can be tracked on

Countdown terminated on Sep 4, 2020, 11:00 AM

@HiveHustlers community leader here, reporting for duty! I have exactly 0 ENGAGE tokens, but would be happy to distribute to folks on the chain involved in entrepreneurship/using the #hivehustlers tag/etc - it would be great to incentivize post creation by being able to give these tokens out in ADDITION to the $HUSTLER tokens that are passed out/given away as well 😁

Nice :)

I saw the other day @ocdbfund had been stacking. Hopefully there will be some looking for 1001 ENGAGE (Yep, 1001 not 1000 :D ).

It's not much, but my tribe alts trail the token command and so does the main account when it is over a certain VP. I hope that over time it's a nice little boost and a good way to organise comments on posts.

Yep, 1001 not 1000 :D

Noted! Yeah that trail is nice, will be adding an alt onto it very soon! (I know I've been saying this for a year) :P


even if it is a tiny vote, still cool to have people/alts voting on comments.

From what i see at https://he.dtools.dev/@misterengagement, people are sharing the tokens out pretty well.

No clue what happens when they are all out?!

Lol, talk about procrastination 😂

I'm a pro at that, ask my reddit karma.

I nominate

@silversaver888= (311 tokens rn) and @barbara-orenya (1,027 tokens rn)

those are great Hive persons, and I always have very nice aftertaste after communicating with them on various posts!

@qwerrie You beat me to nominating @silversaver888. Great choice! And so is @barbara-orenya. I just gave her some ENGAGE earlier today. Glad she is over 1001. She can hand them out for all the great engagement in her Feel Good Community https://peakd.com/c/hive-190931/created

Oooh...I was not aware of that, in fact I really have to read all that carefully, but my head seems to be full for today...LoL...I can't believe how many valuable informations I am missing even by doing almost a full time Hive 😁
thankyou.png my dear @melinda010100 😉

Hey, I don't know if you remember me.. but it's really good to see you still around here, taking part in the community and making pretty art!

yeah I remember you @drpuffnstuff , i made a book donation to a library for one of your gig contest, I remember 😉 How are you doing ? 😊

Thanks for the nominations! Just to be clear if they already have over 1001 tokens they can already distribute them so they won't need a giveaway (just for so other readers know as well).

smileycat_thank_you.png @qwerrie for this nice thought and your kind words ..😉

OH! ENGAGE! One of my favorite tokens!
I would like to nominate @gems.and.cookies needs 669

I am honored with this nomination @melinda010100. Looking forward to more engagements here in Hive. Stay safe and may you have a blast of a weekend.

I know you are engaged and will use it well! @gems.and.cookies

Oh great, I love $ENGAGE and GIVEAWAYS! 👏

I suggest:

I would like to name many others, but I limit myself to three... the perfect number? 😜

A big hug and a drop of !BEER 🍻

Ehm... @samstonehill deserve some $ENGAGE abundance... 😂 he need 883 tokens!

Thanks, dear @amico...


My pleasure, dear @mad-runner. A huge hug and a bit of !BEER 😉

BEER Hey @mad-runner, here is a little bit of from @amico for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

BEER Hey @amico, here is a little bit of from @mad-runner for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

I nominate @cryptographic who needs 926 ENGAGE tokens to reach 1001! :D

Thanks for that!

BTW, I've been reading around but I have yet to find something on the technical level regarding just how many times a day a user can use the command, for example. Is there a recharge rate, or anything like that?

Free to use as much as you want which @misterengagement still has some :)

Most people seem to give out 25 a comment.

Okay. Good to know. Thanks.

Give some to @steevc.

I think he needs like 860 more or something like that.

I would like to nominate @deeanndmathews who currently has 145 ENGAGE tokens and needs 856 more to reach 1001. 😊

These are my nominees:
@mariannewest 285, @arcange 199, @jayna 710, @photo52 800, @justclickindiva 865, @latino.romano 950, @traciyork 885 and @barbara-orenya

Very good choices! 👏 !BEER 🍻

BEER Hey @isabelpena, here is a little bit of from @amico for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Estoy realmente muy honrado 😊

Muchas gracias por nominarme @isabelpena.

Al César lo que es del César y usted lo tiene merecido, ojalá sea ganador.

I have only 20 so far 😄. It seems I really need to work on this.

I would like to nominate @zacknorman97 who has 370, he needs 631 more tokens.

Thanks for the nomination there, mate! I don't suppose I could re-nominate you for some tokens too, can I? 😉

Lovely! I nominate the following:

@theinkwell = 1001 ENGAGE @jayna = 711 ENGAGE - oops, already nominated :) @carolkean = 611 ENGAGE @stormlight24 = 1001 ENGAGE

Hey, beauty! I would like to nominate @stellabelle she currently has 105 engage tokens.

@stellabelle for President! 👏

Awww thanks!

wow, i had no idea that i had 105 engage tokens!!!!!!

Awesome idea, @ocd! I can think of bunches of people I'd like to nominate, but first before it falls out of my brain -

@isabelpena 976

I nominate @gatolector since he won the "Most Comments" category this week in OCA. Looks like he'd need all 1001, as he currently has zero ENGAGE.

pumpkin_party.pngI nominate @rafaelgreen ( needs 748) that deserves some encouragement and congrats for his engagement @qwerrie (needs 429) that like to have some interesting (and funny) discussions and @gems.and.cookies (needs 661 to go to 1001) that engage a lot in different communities, mine included

Thank you very much for nominating me, it is always an honor that you mention me and notice the effort of the users, in my case I want to go far and continue producing quality material.

Also give a good affection to the comments that deserve it, a hug.

I am honored that you would include me in your list. Thanks and looking forward to more engagements in Hive.

I nominate @perceval. He needs 1001 tokens.

I'm not sure how many if any but a good candidate would be @stevenwood. Looks like he only has 51 if I checked right.

 5 years ago  

I've got 32 engaged tokens. If my Mathematics is anything to go by, I would be needing 968 tokens to get to the 1000 mark.

That being said, I will like to nominate @lupafilotaxia who currently has 0 engage tokens.

Thanks friend @gentleshaid for the nomination.

Hello I would like to recommend to @miguelmederico, he is always very active, comments in a personalized way and even leaves good advice in case it is necessary. He does not have tokens so he needs 1000

I would also like to recommend to @mballesteros, she comments and consumes content of all kinds, she is very active on the platform and I know she does it with love. She has 55 so, she needs 945.

Thank you my dear Mariana! 💜
I didn't know I had 55. I have to learn more about that! Sorry! 😂

I love using ENGAGE and it's realy helped my comments and blog performance to grow. I'd like to nominate @spirall - he has a rep score of only 53, is Nigerian and despite having been on the blockchain for less than 2 months, with be hosting a #hivechat in September. He'd need 1000 ENGAGE tokens.

Oh wow.... Thank you a lot for the nomination. Pretty excited about the #hivechat come September, really looking forward to swirling the African Web space with #hivechat talks. And yes some engage tokens would be awesome. Once again, thank you.


these are the 2 that i know the best ;)

@belemo = needs 980 @the-bitcoin-dood = needs 980

i would do more but prepping for homeless / live in a trailer life at the moment

I would like to see @kryptodenno get 599 Engage. He is always promoting content and trying keep stuff going.

I always admire what the OCD community for the betterment of Hive. If anything I can do service, I will be your happy servants.

I agree on this post that ENGAGEMENT is really important to have. I salute @abh12345 for creating ENGAGE token. This is awesome idea to grow our engagement.


Agree with you 10,000% @hiro-hive!

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

Thank you :)

Great job! Amazing work. Thank you ocd community

mention the amount they'd need to reach 1000 tokens to be able to distribute them themselves.

Nit picky, but IIRC you need more than 1,000. I think 1,000 doesn’t work but 1,001 does.

Edit: looks like Asher beat me to it. 😅

Haha yeah, woops!

Good news.

Thanks and I've gotten a few of these. Nifty reward! For sure.

And since my dog passed it's been nice to have hive to engage on so it fills a little of the hole his leaving has left.

Excellent initiative !

BEER Hey @ocd, here is a little bit of from @amico for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

So one needs to have 1000 to give it to others ? And is it like, that verification is just once ?

1000 and 1 :). But yeah I'm not sure, my guess would be the same.

That is a good thing with that Engage token. I have reestablished my own journey of Engagement. Just getting back today with some major Commenting and Curating. It feels good to be back :)

I appreciate the efforts by OCD team to make hive a great place and this ENGAGE is so nice. I would like to nominate @alokkumar121 but his balance is 0. Not sure if you consider this nomination. Thanks. Have a nice weekend.

ok - interesting - thanks
this should help newbies

 5 years ago  

I have come to appreciate the Engage tokens. I have to admit most of mine has come from engaging Taraz. I have valued and appreciated his drive to fuel engagement and he's one of the People's Champions when it comes to engaging himself. I hope this initiative really does drive and boost the engagement on the BlockChain! A vast portion of the value here is to be found in the relationships and community aspects which will mostly be found in Engaging! Thanks to OCD for all you/they do here as well.

 5 years ago  

I nominate @perceval who is very active in engagement and who just recently started the Hive DarkSide Community! He has ZERO Engagement tokens at this time. I feel this would help boost him in his opportunity to engage while growing his account and help him spread the love!

Hi, I always share my twiter posts with the #posh system, and I like to leave comments to the other posts that I consider of quality, how do I get these engage tokens? If you want to nominate, I do it with: @brittandjosie and @justclickindiva

I have a little ENGAGE. I have only been back to blockchain blogging for a week now though. So I think even without the help of ocd I can get to 1000 ENGAGE tokens in a couple months. I have always been big on comments. Replying to people who take the time to comment to me. Commenting on other people's post when I have something worth saying. Or upvoting comments I appreciate in other people's posts. To me it's because I out time into my posts, I would like to know that others took the time to actually read it, and I know others feel the same way. Lots of people put way more time into their posts than I usually do, and it's nice to know it's reaching people. And when I get the power to use engage I will use it responsibly, but often as I can. I just reached 250 posts, and I have more than 3000 comments/replies. Community doesn't really exist without engagement. So I appreciate what you guys are doing.

@deepdives needs 976 ENGAGE 📜 @barbarabezina needs 1001 tokens 🤓

I wish I could nominate my myself. But I can't

Anyways, I nominate @daniella619


Thanks for entrusting me with handing our some ENGAGE. I am making a lot of use of this. It does just bug me that Mister Engagement cannot spell 'recieved'.

How much can I give out in a day?